Responses from gibsonian
Forever turntable under $2000 You'd have to be quite the pessimist to be concerned with Technics TT longterm reliability. I have a cheap P mount Technics TT sitting on the shelf that I am certain will outlast me. Japanese direct drives in general just keep ticking. I h... | |
Technics Turntables...really??? Technics "junkers" have speed control better than many other manufacturer's expensive offerings. Some kind of snobbery me thinks in these kind of threads. | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop With a group buy I am sure we could get them for less than $50 each. We would need someone to create the Gerber files for quote. | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Obviously circuit design and conductor geometry would have to be considered. | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop I'm game if there would be enough interest in such an endeavor. We'd need a guru however. | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Yes you would need someone with enough knowledge to design PCB properly but the making of them is easy once designcompleted, and not so expensive. R&R of the IC's I agree is not easy and not without risk. Acquiring a supply of these would ma... | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Wouldn't it be a great thing to use the TT-101 schematic and build new PCB's that we could transfer the hard to find IC's to and then populate the rest with all new components, then place this new circuit in it's own box and connect with an umbili... | |
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9? Comment 1:Have seen too many compliments about Soundsmith retipped carts. Never heard anyone say they regretted it or it sounded worse. And I have seen a quite number of SS customer comments on this.Comment 2:AT doesn't retip but if you send in ... | |
does temperature affect speaker performance? Driver surrounds, spiders are affected by temperature changes. If cone speakers OP is talking about, it's likely the driver suspension parts. | |
My JL Audio sub is dead. What exactly happened? JL drivers quite good. Attaching so so plate amps to a vibtarating box, not so smart. I would recommend buying a higher quality amp not attached to the vibrating box. | |
This question is aimed to TRUE Elec Engineers, not fuse or wire directionality believers. 3:18amHi GibbsI was referring to the main drivers that will burn, I am well aware of the audio bypass cap on tweeters...which wont pass dc.ANDthere are speakers out there with a resistor to limit the tops, so they could be smoked.Many retro speake... | |
This question is aimed to TRUE Elec Engineers, not fuse or wire directionality believers. It’s an expression used by someone who still thinks there’s room for argument regarding aftermarket fuses and fuse directionality. A renegade. A refusenik.Ok, then that sounds a lot like me then. Not a fancy fuser here. Although wire directiona... | |
This question is aimed to TRUE Elec Engineers, not fuse or wire directionality believers. What is a fuse believer? | |
This question is aimed to TRUE Elec Engineers, not fuse or wire directionality believers. Most speakers have a capacitor in circuit before the tweeter which blocks all DC. The tweeter won't be harmed in this case.I used a Phase Linear 700 without output relay for years, (original design had no relay) and it had multiple issues and wo... | |
Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment? Records need no coating imo. Keep em clean, don't apply any gunk to them is what works for me.I've never worn a record out yet, I surely don't need a preservative.Obviously your experience may be different than mine. |