
Discussions ggavetti has started

Choice of amplifier48477
What amplifier for Harbeth HL-5?3167228
SF Guarneri Homage vs Harbeth 7ES31621224
Gradient Woofer for ESL 5780126
Devore Gibbon Super 8 or AN AN/E or AN AN J/SE?49573
Background noise478019
Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR1207619
Emerald Physics: Same as the Quads in the fifties?641715
Gallo vs. Quads ESL 571097123
Best preamp for and EAR890 / ESL57 rig1146618
The closest approach...really2003961
Esoteric SA-10 or Rega Saturn?48628
Choice of preamplifier: help659311
Gradient Helsinki83857
What is the best speaker for a smallish room?865218