
Responses from georgemunn

F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations
Zu audio made me a XLR to RCA cable. It works great.  
How long should high quality speakers last?
Your Omen Def’s don’t have a cross over just a cap on the tweeter. The 10” drivers are reported to be indestructible. There are two kits available from ZU if you want to upgrade them to match the Omen Def Supremes which I have. One is an upgraded ... 
What Speakers are Available Today Similar to the Von Schweikert DB99?
Yes, ZU  
T+A DAC200 vs. PS Audio Directstream Mk2
I have a MK1 I use as a preamp for  a Pass Labs XA25. It is excellent in my set up. I’m sure the MKII is even better  
I use an XA25 to drive a set of ZU Omen Def Supremes in a 24x21 room it is far more powerful than the ratings would make you think. The amp easily powers to 95 db at my listening position with power to spare. The ZUs are effecient. The amp is buil... 
Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu
In the past 3 months I gifted myself a set of Zu Omen Def Supremes and a Pass Labs XA25 amp. I think I am done, will likely leave these 2 in my will.   
A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.
I run a set of ZU, Omen Def Supremes powered by the Pass Labs XA25 in a 25x21’ room. My system sounds awesome and I don’t ever want for more power. The speakers are 105 lb ea that might not work for every one. The foot print is only 15x15”.  
2 separate sets of speakers one amp
@rpeluso It is not powered it is a simple switch weighing about 8ib. The switching paths are made of something like .9998 percent pure copper.   
2 separate sets of speakers one amp
I have the Luxman as55. Found it on eBay from a guy about of Japan. It is built like a tank and works perfectly for switching between my 2 amps to a single set of speakers, It works both ways. I believe they have been discontinued.  But are not ha... 
PSAudio Directstream DAC M-1 (refurb) vs Denafrips Venus II. Quick decision needed!
I own a PSAudio MK-1 And an Airlens, I’m super pleased with the sound. I did purchase a $200.00 iPad from Best Buy to act as a full time remote to control Tidal connect, for me this was a no option upgrade as switching between different source Pho... 
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp
I would look at the ZU Audio line. I power a set of Omen Def Supremes with 25 watt Pass Labs XA25 in a 500 sq foot room and am very happy. ZU has several speakers under 3k that would fit your room size and efficiency needs.   
An audio component you just can't let go
Infinity 7 Kappa’s I purchased new while stationed in Korea in 1992 they were half off/discontinued for $750.00. I use them in my living room with a Yamaha M70 amp I Purchased new while stationed in Germany in 1983. The speakers are as beautiful ... 
30 yr old speakers- time to replace drivers?
I have a pair of Infinity 7 Kappa’s i bought new in 1992 that I power with a Yamaha M70 amp I purchased new  in 1983 when I was 23 years old. I had the amp recapped for $350.00 by a local shop recently, in Dallas. I had  the subs refoamed a dampin... 
How to set up volume control on a DAC without a preamp
I use a PSAudio Airlens streamer to a PSAudio Directstream DAC to a Pass Labs XA-25 amp it sounds very good. I have no intention of adding a pre amp. You can get some very good deals on a used DSA Mrk I. I am going to add my OPPO 105 for CD to the... 
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?
I own a Yamaha M70 I bought in 1982 had it tuned up this past year for the first time it still sound good in my living room. I have an Emotiva XPA5 I bought new in 2012 it still sounds awesome in my movie set up and currently am running a Pass Lab...