

Responses from georgehifi

Class D is just Dandy!
George,I have looked at at the Technics,very interesting,now we need other designers too go in that direction and evolve. They can’t yet, as that technology needs to be taken up by the major semiconductor manufacturers Motorloa, Sanken, Fairchild... 
Mismatched pre/power amps
I think here is your problem not enough gain from the Lecson.By the looks of it the Lecson pre out can only do .5v output, https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_library/lecson/ac1.shtml And the Audiolab 8000p has an input sensitivity of 1vhttps://www.... 
Class D is just Dandy!
and not the usual negatives. Some love them some don’t, and on a forum this is where it should be discussed, not limited to just the "pro sector" usually from owners, but the negatives also from those who’ve listened/owned but don’t like their so... 
Tympani 1A's and AMPLIFICATION.
I don’t know about the Tympani 1A but the 1D I had loved biger model Krell type power.Pity there were never any impedance vs -phase angle graphs done on these, I think then that will lead you to the right amplification.Cheers George 
A rookie question re two amps, one pair of speakers
@imhififan how is that not good? You need to be able to switch A/B to disconnect the amp not being used. Unless I missed something... It'll be fine if your careful, and make sure you switch one amp out before you switch the other amp in. Never ... 
Class D = Trash?
seanheis1   I started a thread about it and it appears that the switching frequencies aren't currently high enough to avoid degrading the signal. If it was a simple break in issue, they would be broken in at the factory. Don't give up on Class ... 
What amp do you use with your passive pre?
Yes with poweramps, input sensitivity is usually stated as the maximum voltage input, at which time the amp is just below going into hard clipping usually into an 8ohms load. Cheers George 
What amp do you use with your passive pre?
OK let me try to clarify few things in my mind. I assume every amplifier manufacturer gives the input sensitivity I’ve only ever seen the input sensitivity (in volts or millivolts) for amps as stated for the amps full wattage output just before c... 
More discrete R2R Mulibit dacs.
This is not discrete, but still R2R Multibit   OMG!!!!!!!120kg for a dac!!!!!http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/topic/121803-aries-cerat-kassandra-r2r-dac-120kgs/ Cheers George 
Is remastered mainly just less jitter?
I had an audio session at Deqx’s Allan Langfords place on Monday and took a 1st issue Sade Diamond Life CD he’s into downloads, here’s what I said about it on the SNA forum." PS the original European 1983 Sade (Diamond Life) on cd that I bought al... 
Class D is just Dandy!
It’s because a simple low order output filter can take the amps full power, but it’s effects reach down into the audio band and still leave some switching noise left overs, hence the need to take it up much higher as Technics did with far higher s... 
More discrete R2R Mulibit dacs.
Analog Devices AD5791 Made 2010 or even earlier, some talk was it was made for the US military for the guidance system of some type of surface to to air missiles, never intended for Audio use. I think the one in the AMR DP777 R2R multibit Dac w... 
Class D is just Dandy!
I'll lay money on it Eric your the one of the first to change to the higher switching speeds when they come available/affordable, hopefully soon, judging by Technics lead in this area of higher switching speeds. I know I will sell my inefficient, ... 
Class D is just Dandy!
randy-11higher switching frequency moves it further from the range of human hearing and enables "kinder, gentler" filtering +1 many times over Randy, seems like your one of the few that get it here!Just to add to that, the "gentle" filter is on t... 
Where to buy amr fuses?
Also many other ratings from the same seller.http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=sunnytoto&hash=item4661b0a72c%3Ag%3ASi4AAOSweW5U7nYf&item=302286677804&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC1.A0....