Responses from georgehifi
Thiel Owners They are more like 2ohm, and at 60hz where the -phase angle meets the 4 ohm could represent even less EPDR load to the amp. What the member who’s thinking of bridging should do if he m... | |
Thiel Owners but its anomalous behavior is limited to its stability into low impedences, BUT if it does become unstable, it tells you via indicators This may "save" the amp if the protection circuit is fast enough if it oscillates and there’s not too much st... | |
Thiel Owners When I get the AHB2 in mono When you do this the "sound quality" not the loudness will deteriorate. As when any amp is bridged, the there are many negatives that happen, one is that will be here is the ability to drive low impedances and the stab... | |
Suggest an entry - midrange Preamp (tube as well as SS) for a McIntosh power amp sr20022002 OP @georgehifi I’m super tempted by the Freya, especially at the price point its at. That being said, what are the tube rolling options with that one? Are the stock tubes pretty good, or do I need to immediately spring for Tung-sol or ... | |
Suggest an entry - midrange Preamp (tube as well as SS) for a McIntosh power amp sr20022002 OP On a different note, is okay to use a Y-splitter on the Pre-out to feed to the sub Yes if it only one one channel, but it also depends on the input impedance of the sub and your amp, together this is the impedance load the pre will... | |
Suggest an entry - midrange Preamp (tube as well as SS) for a McIntosh power amp Suggest an entry - midrange Preamp (tube as well as SS) sr20022002 OP Your talking Schiit, pardon the pun, get the Schiit Freya you have 3 different modes to suit your mood/s, tube, SS, and passive. Tube or SS have nice low 75ohm output impedance... | |
Holo Audio May DAC My theory is that some people (and systems) are particularly sensitive to phase coherency and that something about the DSD’s processing is influencing phase. Whatever it is, that product sounds like it puts the music into a blender to my ears. I w... | |
Looking for a vinylesk sounding DAC George's suggestion for channel mixing to more center the image (gives a sense of immediacy), and you may capture much of what you love about vinyl. Not with todays magic digital, only like I said with those bad early CD that had ping pong lef... | |
Looking for a vinylesk sounding DAC George, what's wrong about the Lapizator TDA1541 NOS DAC? I liked hi-end vinyl when I had it, but today to me good discrete hi-end R2R to me is better in every way. I have mimic'd vinyl to a good degree with my digital rig by bleeding L to R t... | |
How to judge a preamp's sound I’ve always been intrigued by "sound(ing) like a piece of wire." Do we have wire listeners??? If anyone questions the implication of this classic statement that goes back to gramophone days, then sorry, there is no hope, "get out of the game" ano... | |
Looking for a vinylesk sounding DAC barrista0611 Looking for a vinylesk sounding DAC If you looking for a "vinyl sounding" dac, go to a Lapizator TDA1541 NOS tube dac, not my cup of tea though.Cheers George | |
Hattor Ultimate Power Amplifiers Class D is not an optimum match for electrostatics. middlemass and mijostyn are correct tomflynn OP , Class-D really dislike driving 1 ohm loadings in the highs, and that is what the Martin Logan ESL’s present, and a heavy negative phase angle –... | |
DAC Opamp Upgrade zipiv OP I’m considering upgrading the Opamps in my MusicHall 25.3 DAC Pardon my tardiness. I have and not to my surprise decided to keep the OpAmps. The tube seems to be the output buffer stage from what I saw in pictures, any opamps will most... | |
How to judge a preamp's sound The idea that a preamp should not have a sound is over simplifying its role. No not really, they are a left over piece of equipment from the dinosaur days of vinyl, when there was only "millivolts" of output from cartridges,today there are "vo... | |
High end stereo preamps? Worth it? This thread is unnecessarily long: assuming no highly unusual impedance miss match there is no conceivable reason for a separate preamp in a digital reproduction chain: additional cabling and circuits for no gain (pardon the pun) How true, but it... |