
Responses from geopolitis

Has anyone listened the new Argento Flow?
Soliver, how did you find the Organic Audio interconnect? Does it come any close to the Flow or even the Serenity interconnects?Many people I know would be extremely happy with such a low priced interconnect by Argento 
Has anyone listened the new Argento Flow?
Linkster, if you are using the Argento Flow as a speaker cable then I think that having it going until the speaker crossover would be a clear advantage. If you are using a different cable I don't know whether it makes sense or not. 
Has anyone listened the new Argento Flow?
Hi Karelf, since I first opened this thread I managed to buy the full set of Argento Flow for my system (2 interconnects, 1 speaker cable and 4 power cords). The fact that my current speakers (Hyperion Sound 938) cost 1/3 of my cables probably dem... 
Best 6M IC cable
Easily the best cable in the planet at the moment is the Argento Flow Master Reference. It is miles ahead of the previous line (Argento Serenity Master Reference) that had already been considered as the top cable in the world. 
Phono pre-amps with volume control
The two best in the planet are the Tidal Preos and the Sovereign Director. No comparison with these two... 
Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray
I have listened both the Contriva and the Sunray quite a few times since I am a future buyer of the new Tidal Piano Cera (not officially released yet). These speakers are the end of the road in my opinion and especially Sunray is unlikely to face ... 
Best ss phono with volume control
There is only one preamplifier with phono that can be compared to the Tidal Preos both for the line and the phono stage. That is the Sovereign Director. I was lucky enough to compare the two and they are really close in performance, both far bette... 
I am sick of cables
Argyro just try to replace your Argento interconnect with something inferior and then we can discuss again about the importance of cables... 
Power Amp for Hyperion 938
No my friend I have absolutely no business relationship with Sovereign brand. I am located in Athens, Greece so I have no real financial interest about Sovereign sales in US. I just bought the Sovereign preamplifier (the Sovereign director) last w... 
Power Amp for Hyperion 938
I noticed that there is an importer in US that brings the Sovereign brand. These are the absolutely best transistor amplifiers in the planet. I own the Sovereign Director preamplifier and the Sovereign Power amplifier with my Hyperion 938 and I st...