

Responses from geoffkait

Little Richard!!! RIP!!!
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
Back in the day, when I was still on the grid, I employed capacitor banks plugged into many unused wall outlets around the house with power cords. The values of these capacitors are provided on the David Magnan Audio site. I even had a bunch of hu... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
During the transition, many folks received mild electric shocks ;~)>>>>One can’t help wondering if that might help curtail the anger and whining here? 
Interesting Fed Ex encounter...
Whoa! Dude!  
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
And yet, there doesn’t seem to be any reports of audiophiles burning down their houses or of exploding high end amplifiers. Imagine that. Was it a Con Job by Con Ed? Is it a big coverup? You decide. 
Feeling Tweaky
Gentle readers, be ever vigilant for The Last Tweak syndrome. That’s when you think your system cannot possibly sound any better right after you installed some tweak or other.  
Interesting Fed Ex encounter...
Actually the Post Office is the best service. They never lose anything, dude. Got spell checker? 
best vintage stereo receiver
Whoa! Dude! 
Feeling Tweaky
skyscraperGeoffkait, following your suggestion I considered taking all my booksoutside and starting a good-sized bonfire with them. I bet you nobody’s ever thought of doing that before.👍 You’ve already read them all, right?  
Is room treatment a science?
Why did mc misquote me? Why is he putting words in my mouth? Maybe because I was attacking his foolhardy trial and error routine, which is the opposite of scientific. Maybe a ....reading comprehension issue, who knows? Careful, don’t blow a head g... 
Little Richard passes away at 87. Another musical great joins the band in the sky.
He had a very good sense of humor and appeared on many Hollywood Squares. 
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
Some Laws are meant to be broken. I broke two this morning and it’s not even lunchtime yet. But some theories have passed from theory to Law. To whit, the Laws of Thermodynamics. We also have F = ma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_thermodyna... 
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
Ah, hem, a theory once proved is a law. You know, like the expansion of the universe, theory of General Relativity, Einstein’s theory of gravitation, the speed of light = c, E=mc^2 Things of that nature.In the 1850s, Ohm’s law was known as such an... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
And it’s still everybody’s favorite whack a mole game. Let’s hope it goes another 40 years. Whack a mole. The sport of kings. 🤗 
Feeling Tweaky
skyscraper OPMy listening room is filled with wall to wall bookshelves, so there’s hardly a square inch to acoustically treat. I seriously considered one of those Lyngdorf integrated amps with Room Correction for that reason since they could elect...