

Responses from geoffkait

Would "Sgt. Pepper's" be a better album if.....
At the time the album was great. But things should be taken in a certain perspective. The album was released 50 years. Hel-loo! It should be compared with other music of the time. Every thug is relative. 
Fuses fuses fuses
George, Pathological skepticism, which we see rear its ugly head from time to time, especially on this particular fuse thread, but also many others, was addressed thoroughly in Zen and the Art of Debunkery. Perhaps you missed it. The author wrote,... 
Would "Sgt. Pepper's" be a better album if.....
Great cover photo. The amazing thing is the Stones came out with their 3D cover only 3 months later. Pretty fast work. 
Fuses fuses fuses
georgehifiGeoffkait: I have a lot more engineering science under my belt than you two guys put together.You directed this statement at Almarg and Ralph!!!!! you really are certifiable.You’ve also been laughed off many other technical forums by eve... 
Fuses fuses fuses
Then why are you here? 
Fuses fuses fuses
Geez, AL, you still trying to snow us with that, "we’re electronics and digital designers so we must be right" argument? You guys are too much. That’s the most obvious illogical argument there is - ye olde Appeal to Authority. Besides, if anyone h... 
Interesting article on audiophiles and audiophilia
Smell and sound is an interesting combination. For a lot of systems I've gone out of my way to hear the sound stinks.  💩 💩 
Fuses fuses fuses
No one can accuse Jitter of being long winded since he scrupulously avoids ever saying anything of substance, merely doing his typical hit and run routine like a little girl. This appears to be just another case of birds of a feather flocking toge... 
Interesting article on audiophiles and audiophilia
The article is two years old almost to the day but still as fresh as yesterday’s garbage. Pretty typical in most respects, hits all the usual audiophile soft spots....oh, my gosh, there’s even the perfunctory bit on Peter Belt (RIP), UK’s favorite... 
Fuses fuses fuses
nonoiseIt seems no matter what is posted is simply overlooked so as to fit one’s narrative. High rupturing fuses are not only better made but better in their application in audio gear and therein lies the rub. Google it.Why is it that every other ... 
Fuses fuses fuses
georgehifi"And this thread is only about fuses."If it were "just " about fuses, this thread wouldn’t even have to go over a few intelligent technical posts.This is more about some here who want to make out that $$$ fuses have some hidden magic (vo... 
Fuses fuses fuses
cerberus79Has the purpose of a fuse been lost ? How it is designed to work ? By design there is no directionality in a fuse. it is simply designed to open in an overcurrent situation. If it was directional in relation to the current passing throug... 
Price No Object Amps
"If you guys want to get an idea what market these "toys" are targeted at, take a trip to one of the Gulf states in the Middle East; Qatar Dubai, etc., and browse some of the stores near the luxury hotels. I suspect the Chinese market is not too f... 
Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?
You posted here 30 years ago? Whoa!! Hey, is that before the Internet? Did you post with smoke signals? 
Fuses fuses fuses
Note to self: all of this rumpus points out and highlights the fact (see, there’s a fact!) that there is a HUGE chasm between the locals and the other audiophiles living contentedly in the 1990s and the advanced audiophiles who haven’t given up. A...