

Responses from geoffkait

Whats playing on your system today?
Cassettes again, sigh. Beck Odelay HX PRO, Goat’s Head Soup Bob Ludwig remaster on Virgin 
Simple question, or is it...
Listen up, Mr. Smarty Pants,Electrical loadFigure 1. A simplified circuit diagram showing a power source and load.An electrical load is simply any component of a circuit that consumes power or energy. In a household setting, the most obvious examp... 
Distortion on the Power Line
I’m just trying to be helpful here. Noise and distortion are two different things. That why you have the expression for Signal/Noise + Distortion. This all fits in by the way with the discussion regarding the dodgy subject, “What is the signal and... 
is it possible to make digital audio sound like vintage vinyl
You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear 🐷 You can paint a donkey different colors but it’s still a donkey. Once you have a format that doesn’t have air you can’t magically get air by converting it to another format. Hel-loo! 
Distortion on the Power Line
Nurse! Thorazine! Aisle 6. Man down! 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
Hey, that’s nothing. Check out model railroaders sometime, dude.  
Speaker cable arrows???
Are you from Mars, dude? 👽 
Simple question, or is it...
Indeed. 🧑🏻‍🚀 😀 
Directionality Explained
heaudio123geoffkait, when someone is blinded by a dogmatic need to behave in a certain way, then will often read into a situation what they want to read or and unfortunately that interferes with their comprehension and objectivity. >>>>... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Good one! 🙄 People, try to focus! 👀 
Simple question, or is it...
Houston, we have a problem! 🧑🏻‍🚀 The load (R) is the denominator. That means the larger the value of load (R) the smaller the value of current (I). And the smaller the value of R the larger the value of I. You misspoke in your previous post when y... 
Directionality Explained
heaudio123Most degreed engineers I know that work in electronics, are electrical engineers, and refer to themselves as electrical engineers or electrical and electronics engineers. Degreed electrical/electronics engineers would also be well aware ... 
Directionality Explained
Even if there are chevrons on the wire it doesn’t prove that the wire is directional. Finding a photo of chevrons only proves that the wire surface is cosmetically damaged when it’s pulled through the die. 
Simple question, or is it...
jea48What causes charge flow? @djones51The connected load. The greater the load the greater the current. Simple Ohm’ s Law I = E/RThe greater the load the more energy is consumed. It’s the load that determines how much energy will flow from the so... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Keyser Soze