

Responses from geoffkait

Room color opinions
Well, lookee who we have here. The Dan Rather of pseudo skeptics. Haven’t they banned you yet, Costco? 
Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?
I would have watched it but I opted for a colonoscopy instead. 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
Hey baby better come here quickThis old cocaine is making me sickCocaine all around my brainCocaine's for horses and it's not for menDoctor said it kill you but he don't say whenCocaine all around my brain 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
audiozen OPMark Levinson did ongoing testing between standard SACD and single layered SHM-SACD disc and concluded that the SHM-SACD format is superior in sound quality and resolution.>>>>That testing was either before SHM-SACD began to... 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
I hate to judge before all the facts are in but according to the Official Dynamic Range Database it appears the fairly recent Japanese Led Zeppelin SHM SACDs are horribly compressed. Is no one safe? 😬 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I have the opposite theory of audio and tweaks from Elizabeth. She’s a tweak miser and a spendthrift on the system, has no problem dropping big bucks. 🦌I’m the opposite. I spend almost nothing on the system but a boatload on tweaks. My entire syst... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Uh, Lizzie, aren’t we forgetting something? It’s your signature piece, you know, the cylinders for toilet paper rolls. 
Room color opinions
As much as I dislike blowing my own horn 🎷can I mention no matter what color your walls are, even if they’re not the right color, you can still improve SQ with Blue Meanies, highly specialized blue 1” ceramic magnets, one per wall? A Green Meanie ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Whoa! What the ding dong?? I just heard surround sound coming from my LG Smart HDTV. I was watching the All Star hockey game. Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!!  
Room color opinions
I imagine it would sound rather wooden. Rim shot! 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Hold that thought. 🙄 
Room color opinions
What would you like to see in terms of discussion? You started it. 😬 We’re doin the best we can, boss. 😳 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
shadorneYou are correct about trust. I would add the power of suggestion and expectation and then you have it all in a nutshell.>>>Well, actually we can test to see if expectation bias or placebo effect or any other psychological effect i... 
Room color opinions
Uh, better re-read what he said. “The rate of change or compensation may be different when placing earplugs in your ears to stimulate vision. Both compensatory changes take time to occur. The longer the period of time, the more heightened the chan... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Ah, yes, the old last tweak syndrome. I know it well. You start off with some footers and wall treatments and maybe some Vibrapods. They next thing you know you're into the more advaced stuff. You know, fancy fuses and expensive interconnects and ...