Responses from geoffkait
Be Careful! Humidifiers, anti static spray like Nordost and my Sonic Tonic or even Tourmaline guns or air ionizers, and Mapleshade used to sell the Ionoclast ionizer, long out of production. | |
Quincy Jones Interview Some things seem more plausible than others. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic tommyliongeoffkait,It’s fascinating that whenever there’s even a hint of of controversy, you’re always right there...stirring the pot...hoping it will boil over? Do you consider yourself some sort of agent of chaos, or something?>>>I thin... | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Have no idea why you’d confuse us since we’re pretty much complete opposites. I have a different explanation. 😬 | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic The name is Geoff. Geoff Kait. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Actually we don’t know how many Beta testers there were. Or who they were. Plus it’s not the sort of thing most people would do, post negative results. Most likely the agreement was something to the effect that the product was sent out and if resu... | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Damage Control! Damage Control! | |
Anyone Using Crystals? To be fair, P.T. Barnum probably actually never said that. But he did say people would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Hey, this is better than All My Children. | |
Any votes for or against a TV component stand with glass shelves? Oh, you mean like the Mana glass isolation stand? | |
Ripped off, any ideas? Whatever you do don’t murder him over a noisy and distorted amplifier. 😀 | |
Ripped off, any ideas? The silver lining around this particular cloud is that it wasn’t a Fisher 500C. | |
power cables where do I start? If wire directionality is an issue -and I think it is - then 50% of all stranded power cords are not constructed in the correct way, where directionality is controlled throughout the entire manufacturing process, such as Audioquest does with their... | |
Power Cords 38 Tube Traps? Whoa, Daddy! | |
Carbon fibre sleeve over existing cabling, incredible Graphene is the new Carbon Fiber. Graphene has the highest conductivity of any material, thus is the best shield. So that’s most likely what a stealth bomber would use to achieve the lowest possible radar cross section. |