

Responses from geoffkait

Cable Snake Oil Antidote
Whoa! What?! Double Blind Testing! I did not see that coming! 👀 Run away! Run away! 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Oh, I get. So now I’m the one who’s supposed to do it. 🙄 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
I anxiously await your results. I had no idea you were so handy. Now we’re getting somewhere! 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Someone needs to use the Yellow Pages to find his local consumer protection agency representative. I’m sure he’ll help you mount a nice big lawsuit against all these scam artists. Bad scam artist! Bad! Let us know how that works out. Also, try get... 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
The conclusion of the article on Cable Snake Oil that the OP linked is fatally flawed.to whit,”ConclusionSome claim all cables sound the same. Some claim two cables with the same R will sound the same. Cable manufacturers make all kinds of wild cl... 
Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?
Uh, chaps, level is one of things you CAN control. It is not what this thread is about, which is why the system oft sounds different day to day for NO APPARENT REASON. It’s a mystery. Level has nothing to do with it. Weather affects the power grid... 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
shadorneYup. Poorly designed and poorly matched gear will be affected audibly by the slight impedance of a cable. High fidelity gear will not.Yup. Poorly designed like Lamm, Tenor, McIntosh, Parasound, DartZeel, Marantz, Classe, Pass Labs, Atmasph... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
I was quoting an article on the subject of the then new NASA fuses. I mentioned in my post it was an excerpt of an article. ‘‘Twas not I. My association with NASA ended long before that article was published. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
ieales@geoffkait - Since all wire is directional...Directionality was also ignored... please point us to relevant tests or simulations or calculations showing deltas from reversing zip cord in the audio spectrum. >>>>Find it yourself. ... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
iealesPossible reasons changing fuses could make a difference:- fuse socket is contaminated. Metal to metal junctions become semiconductors over time. R&Ring the fuse a couple of times can restore metal to metal contact.- fuse element has degr... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
Just to mention the AC fuse in some units, such as my former all tube Woo Audio headphone amp, is located externally where the power cord enters the component. Ditto speaker fuses in my Fultons, external. In my previous player, the world’s most th... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
🐑gdhalI am not a fuse adopter, with digital front end. By the way, I haven’t read anything herein (could have missed it though) about cases where fuses are not readily accessible and therefore require one to open a factory sealed component and ris... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
Full disclosure. I used to be a fuse adaptor, was for many years. But with my battery powered portable Walkman CD Player fuses are a thing of the past. So is house AC, interconnects, power cords, transformers, all that kind of stuff. Talk about lo... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
NASA gets the high end fuse bug. Note similarity to audiophile high end fuses. 😁“The high voltage power systems of satellites and spacecraft present unique fuse and fault protection challenges. High reliability fuses presently defined by MIL-PRF-2... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
mikexxyzI think its a mischaracterization to say jealousy drives some of the naysayer comments. Personally, I know that other people can hear better than I can - no problem. Likewise, I have no problem with people of means buying whatever they lik...