

Responses from geoffkait

Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
acepilot71Ethernet cable is digital.As such it cannot change the quality of the music.>>>>Sorry, that’s the same illogical argument naysayers have been using for years to try to explain why there can be no differences between digital c... 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
clearthinkkosst_amojan"Foggythink, a highly resolving system does reveal the differences in Ethernet cables. A highly flawed system does."Costco while I completely agree that a highly resolving Music Reproduction System can reveal genuine audible ... 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
Michters single barrel bourbon? Whoa! Sorry, Charlie! We want tuna that tastes good, not tuna with good taste. 🐬 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
Costco, thanks for an almost coherent post. 😬 
New way for audiophiles to die!
I’d disagree if I could. 
New way for audiophiles to die!
That’s two, count em - two, nothing burgers he served up in a row. 🍔 🍔 Hmmmm, that’s makin me hungry! 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
Let’s hope the military isn’t paying for fancy fuses what they paid for toilet seats on Air Force One. Who has better fuses, the military or NASA or audiophiles? Do guys tanks listen to high end systems whilst driving around on maneuvers? Does Air... 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
Directionality of wire, cryogenics, burn in, demagnetization, ionization, elevation of cables, care and feeding of electrical contacts, all of these things are important to the performance. Ignore them at your peril. 
High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Waveguide and Total Contact
Like all audio products it’s customary to correlate price to performance, also taking into consideration effort/difficulty and cost of fabrication, perhaps marketing, sometimes but not always cost and effort of development. Supply and demand. Comp... 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
Pop QuizA Google search for “signal speed copper vs fiber optic cable” turns up this explanation at the top of the page. Find the mistakes.“Fiber optic transmission is faster: Fiber optic versus copper wire transmission can be boiled down to the s... 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
amg56Optic fibre is good for data and low level audio. I believe @geoffkait stated that jitter was a debilitating effect on music over OF. I would imagine that this to will be overcome in the future.>>>>Twas not I. 
If ebm had a dollar for every time he said that....oh, wait, I see! That’s a pretty sweet deal he’s got going. 🍰 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
John Archibald Wheeler and Kip Thorne wrote the definitive book on the subject of gravity many years ago, Gravitation, 1973, 1336 pages. Everybody and his brother now knows that gravity is actually the warping or distorting of spacetime as a conse... 
New way for audiophiles to die!
Get with the program. CataCombo offers a $10,000 music system for a coffin, you know, for the everafter. Digital music server and options for random play list, etc. let music reach beyond the senses. You’ve heard of New Age Music. This is No Age M... 
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?
kosst_amojanI didn’t even bother to shield the 600VA transformer in my amp. And why? >>>>I’m guessing monkey see monkey do. Because Nelson Pass doesn’t bother to. >>>>Ah, just as I thought.And it makes virtually no differen...