

Responses from geoffkait

Talk but not walk?
Someone just mentioned Franck Tchang’s Acoustic Resonators. I mentioned them the other day while discussing mapping the 3D space of the room for sound pressure levels in connection with a number of room acoustics solutions. Since we are discussing... 
Talk but not walk?
WaveMotion Motion of the water is different than the motion of the wave. Water at each location moves in a circular path, but the motions at different locations are “out of phase”, which means that when water at the left of the diagram is moving t... 
Talk but not walk?
I said it before and I’ll say it again. What type of wave is a sound wave?In this case, the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction that the pulse moves. This type of wave is a longitudinal wave. Longitudinal waves are always charac... 
Talk but not walk?
moopmanYou did (mention pant legs flapping in the breeze). Fair enough. Don't get your pant legs in an uproar! Why are your gums still flapping in the breeze?  
Talk but not walk?
testpilot182 posts05-15-2018 9:30amThe sound gets refracted ("back" removed) towards the listener due to the change in the transmission medium i.e. hot and cold air>>>>>I want to get on board your explanation. I really do. Can you b... 
Talk but not walk?
I already stated my pant legs were not flapping in the breeze. So obviously there is no movement of air as if there was a draft. But if the air is compressing and expanding the air molecules must be moving. If the air molecules were stationary the... 
Talk but not walk?
theaudiotweakNot upset. Gotta catch a plane home..later..but until that time keep looking and hunting. Shear is all around..just not understood by many. Tom>>>>>I can hardly wait. So shear is like what, love? Did Einstein understand... 
Talk but not walk?
Good luck with all that, moopman. You’re gonna need it. Best wishes in your quest for mediocrity. 
Talk but not walk?
Tom, sorry if I upset you. Please explain what you mean. By shear and Polarity and how there’s no such thing as isolation. You just keep repeating the words as if they are self explanatory. Type slow since I’m from NASA.  
Talk but not walk?
mapmanWow very interesting. My next tweak might have to be a quantum windbreaker with hoody. Maybe graphene treated. Just shooting the breeze....>>>>That would be swell, Moops. Might provide us a respite from your breaking wind on t... 
Talk but not walk?
Speak for yourself.  
Talk but not walk?
Then don’t over damp it. Hel-looo! Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do everything. You’re obsessed with rubber and rubber tires. Expand your mind. Besides it’s not that tires that are isolating th... 
Talk but not walk?
The reason it’s said that you want a large size woofer or large excursions of the diaphragm is because it pushes more air is uh, it pushes more air. The air moves. Hel-loo! As I said acoustic waves require air to propagate, analogous to waves on t... 
Talk but not walk?
But there is air flow in the listening room, you silly goose. 🦆 For heaven’s sake, don’t have a conniption. 😫 The air molecules are pushed by the high speed acoustic (mechanical) waves, just as waves in the ocean push the water. So, there is lamin... 
Tea For the Tillerman by Cat Stevens-which sounds best?
One thing about Tea for the Tillerman is it’s consistency in dynamic range, here’s the link to the various releases including HD Tracks,http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=Cat+Stevens+&album=Tea+for+the+tillerman