Responses from geoffkait
Talk but not walk? amg56@geoffkait Don’t insult me with your pseudo intelligence. You have no idea who i am or what my system is. Your presumption is way off the mark. I choose not to grandiose myself with blather that you carry on with.>>>>You’re right,... | |
Talk but not walk? glupsonjf47t,"All the instruments were now feeding off of each other with equal presence."I am totally inexperienced in this jargon. Is there a way you could explain to someone not adept at that lingo what this sentence really means? Also, did I u... | |
To bridge or not to bridge ? roberjermanJust like adding a mpingo disc to the tops of your speakers! LOL!>>>>Like you know. 😬 | |
Beware the audio guru You gotta be thinkin’, gee, I must be in deep kimchi if roberjerman is a fan. | |
Talk but not walk? glupsongeoffkait,You are really getting confusing.These two are your statements. Both of them.“...lumbering up the narrow winding mountain road read...""Eggs ackly! No path. No road. No Nirvana. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news."Which one should... | |
Beware the audio guru No, but he plays one on TV. 🤡 | |
What Matters and What is Nonsense profgeoff,Simply repeating "yes you ARE being fallacious!" not an argument establishing that conclusion. >>>>I know you are but what am I? If you can’t figure it out by now this conversation can serve no purpose any more, profess... | |
Beware the audio guru Go where? Where was I going? 😳 | |
Beware the audio guru The things I’m talking about, the unspeakable, as it were, are not taught in Psychology class. If they were taught in Psychology class at least you would be able to put a name to them. In a sense they’re not even psychological in the everyday sens... | |
Beware the audio guru That last post smacks a little bit, not quite hitting the nail on the head, though, of the thinking behind the Peter Belt stuff and also the Anomalies Research program out of Princeton, and their Mind Lamp. Mind over Matter, Extra Sensory Percepti... | |
What Matters and What is Nonsense I don’t mind repeating myself, prof - everything in your post to rbtstehno was fallacious. You are, for whatever set of reasons, not exactly clued in to the whole illogical argument thing. You obviously think you are. But hey, it makes for interes... | |
Talk but not walk? glupsongeoffkait,I am confused. There is no road, there is no path? >>>>Eggs ackly! No path. No road. No Nirvana. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Geoffkait: “As the bumper sticker on the back of the 18 wheeler 🚛 lumbering up the na... | |
Beware the audio guru I’m not sure I get why religion is mentioned in the same sentence, breath or thread with audio, even with outrageous or preposterous audiophile tweaks. Because there’s no proof for religious beliefs. Oh, I suppose you could say there is evidence f... | |
Talk but not walk? glupsonI would add to geoffkait’s list...7. Someone may read your website. Have a good understanding of it.8. Things are trivial indeed. It is all just about electronic reproduction of music.9. Always remember that it is good to have someone ahead... | |
What Matters and What is Nonsense profGeoff. For someone who so often mentions fallacies, you’d at least have a running start at being coherent if you actually looked them up and understood them. (There are valid appeals to authority, and fallacious appeals to authority - neither ... |