Responses from geoffkait
Mercury Living Presence Abby Road 2013 CD Remasters I heard through the grapevine the 1991 remastered MERCURY Living Presence CDs were in reverse Polarity and am planning a test soon to find out if that’s true. I bought the second remastered Mercury Living Presence box set about 5 years ago but hav... | |
Talk but not walk? the audiotweakJust our opinions of course and means nothing really… just talking.Robert--Tom>>>I concur without comment. | |
Interconnects and non-believers analoglubrI get get a chuckle out of Geoff's approach. If it was a double blind test with everything controlled but the participant didn't hear a difference, we don't accept that result. But if somebody switches their wires willy-nilly and here's... | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic jafreemanGeoff, are you telling me this thing just tamed a geomagnetic storm? Seriously though, I am enjoying more retrieval of information within a more sorted-out presentation. >>>Truly sorry to hear your system was out of sorts. Let me... | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic It’s not a tweak, it’s a component? Oh, brother! That’s straight out of the Audio Marketing Handbook, page 1. Talk about an over-used expression. Here we go, off to see the Wizard. And the product isn’t even out yet and the trite accolades are alr... | |
Talk but not walk? Robert, good detective work! 🤡Costco, you too! Ha ha! | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Actually, without even batting an eyelash, I can think of a bunch of things that have changed audio forever. I call them the icons of Audio. Many of them are virtually unknown or dismissed. What can I tell you? If you missed em shame on you. Snooz... | |
Talk but not walk? We already know that since wire is directional capacitors should sound better hooked up one way rather than the other direction. We also know capacitors vibrate during use so obviously you don’t want to couple them to each other or to the chassis.... | |
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES My impression is most naysayers couldn’t care less about the item under debate. They mostly just like getting a rise out of the believers. It’s not as if they’re real skeptics. Been that way for like forever. Besides, most things aren’t even that ... | |
Who said “ flat freq response “ is the best? kosst_amojanI completely agree with Elizabeth and Erik. It's real easy to get nasty treble when it's bouncing all over a reflective room and that jazz needs tamed. >>>>You don’t know the half of it. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic I’d opine it’s rather difficult to tell why you’re hearing what you’re hearing, Hour to Hour, Day to Day or Week to Week, Rain or Shine. What can I say? I would not (rpt not) be very surprised if the sound is affected by Sunspot and solar flare ac... | |
Talk but not walk? profIf you don’t get the claimed results, it can only be you who is to blame. You are doing it wrong!Bingo! That’s what I’ve been saying! 🤡 | |
Talk but not walk? tomcy6Geoffkait: And one that sounds as good as if not better than the World’s Most Modded Oppo 103.Makes one wonder if all those tweaks and mods resulted in improved sound.>>>>Don’t strain your brain on my account. 🧠 🥊 | |
Shun Mook Record Weight I met the Shun Mook guys briefly at the Vegas high end show in ‘97. I was a little embarrassed because there was a knock-off of their Mpingo disc sitting right in front of them on the floor. Ha ha. The Shun Mook Record Weight goes for $3200 new, s... | |
Talk but not walk? I’m walking through streets that are dead... |