

Responses from geoffkait

ClubWOOD or Shun Mook?
Having more experience with Mpingo than the average bear, I’d say working with Mpingo or Gabon ebony is *quite* tricky and perhaps not obvious to the casual observer. These woods are highly resonant so they can easily hurt the sound when used Will... 
VPI Classic 1 isolation upgrade
When I showed with Golden Sound at CES I had the local Las Vegas stone place cut a bunch of black Italian marble slabs for use in my Promethean mass on spring iso stands, two slabs per iso stand for total of about 8 marble slabs. Marble and granit... 
How do you store and catalog your vinyl?
Cross thread stalker alert! Bad, Uber, bad! Cool shower time?  
Talk but not walk?
Good answer. I don’t blame you one bit for dodging the question. 
Talk but not walk?
Who do you think I’m talking to?  Let’s see if you can figure it out. 
Talk but not walk?
Uh, would you say the 54 ga conductor in Mapleshade’s top of the line interconnect is under spec’d?  
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
That’s weird. Are you superstitious about cryo? Do you believe it’s unnatural?The performance of ALL materials is improved with cryo. Golf balls, razor blades, rifle barrels, trumpets, cables, wall receptacles, audio cones, tonearms, CDs and CD pl... 
Talk but not walk?
Stalking is the sincerest form of flattery. It might even be a symptom of you know what.  
Talk but not walk?
I am certainly not (rpt not) disparaging anyone who might have a debilitating or difficult condition like Autism or Asperger’s, the latter of which, by the way, is actually quite common, 37 Million or whatever, and usually not very difficult or de... 
Talk but not walk?
et tu brute? Bad Uber! Bad! 
Talk but not walk?
What’s in a name? Vampire Wire, Throbbing Gristle (TG) Audio, Shiit, Acme Audio, WA Quantum Chip, Dark Matter, Woo Audio, Blowtorch preamp, BAR-B-Q Amp, Anti Cables, Intelligent Chip, Liquid Cables, Brilliant Pebbles. 
Looking for Teknasonic Vibration Absorber
Tekna Sonic Dampers were intended to be placed either on the front or back of speakers since almost all of the speaker cabinet energy is front-back. And if the Dampers are missing the magnetic pad used to attach the Tekna Sonic to vertical surface... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Say, didn’t Grover Huffman diasavow his silver coated copper wires recently? Or was it Morrow? Also, cryogenics is employed by a great many high end cable manufacturers, who most likely do not use cryo to be part of the in crowd since there seems ... 
Looking for a technical explanation...
Significant gains can be achieved by treating all non-audio wall connections - fridge, computer, air purifier, floor lamps, TV. 
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
Do they allow for aftermarket fuses?