

Responses from geoffkait

Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Uh, audio ain’t clinical trials. Give us a break!  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
+1Monofilament? You don’t see cables described like that too much. 😬 
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming
There is nothing good about overly aggressive dynamic range compression. There is no benefit other than the level (loudness) can be made much higher. It doesn’t make it more detailed. It doesn’t make it smoother.  It’s a teeny bopper thang. Hel-loo!  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
What’s a dagogo? 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Photos can be photoshopped. Hel-loo! Besides you can take a photo of a UFO or even a video of a UFO and people still won’t believe you. 👽 It’s human nature to make one’s mind up before the evidence is presented and not to change one’s mind as a re... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@geoffkait Why would anyone pay $1500 or more to burn-in $300 Cables?  Why not by $1800 cables and not have to bother burning in. >>>I’m sure I have no idea what the heck you’re talking about.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
I am getting to have an understanding that when stevecham suggests something or makes a statement the best course of action is usually to do the opposite. No offense. 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
“Physics is just physics. I’d love to hear someone explain the physics how a power cable can improve sound quality. Haven’t seen any so far.”>>>>Spoken like a true English major. No offense. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
I will not be deleting my posts on the chance someone can figure out my answers. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
OK, sorry, just trying to help. Never mind. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
barnettk"Why would MA suggest reversing the cables?" I assume that he thought maybe it would improve the way the cable sounded since in our conversation I did not feel that the cable sounded that good from the start.>>>>If MA controls ... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
I was assuming you couldn’t hear it. Was that wrong? 😳 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
elizabeth6,002 posts12-18-2018 7:22pmYou know Geoff, you could start a service to help with direction on cables..For a fee folks send you their cables and YOU figure out which way they go... If you were able to hear you could do it yourself. It’s... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
I only ask good questions. 😛 Why would MA suggest reversing the cables if he controls the cables for wire directionality? Sometimes arrows on cables indicate direction as regards *shielding*. Maybe he is not on board the directionality train. I do... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
uh, EE lore? 🙄