

Responses from geoffkait

Fisher 500C tube receiver with Telefunken tubes for $1. What do I win?  
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era?
Once Dolby B and other exotic tech came out in the mid 80s tape hiss virtually became a thing of the past. Digalog, Dolby B, HX PRO, HiQ, etc. Look for them. 👀 Blow your mind. 🤯 not to mention the plastic cassette cases evolved AND the TAPE formul... 
Cool it!
External fan or two, O2 Cool battery powered fans work great. O2 Cool. Get it? 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
Bite me!  
Big source improvement using CD player
Buffering the data doesn’t prevent or correct the damage to data done when the laser attempts to read the physical data on the disc due to fluttering of the disc and scattered laser light getting into the photo detector. Buffering only stores the ... 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
You’re not as funny as you look.  
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
No wonder. You guys listened to the wrong format and wrong issue. The one with the excellent sound quality is the 1994 Virgin remaster on cassette. Or CD is close second. Come on, guys, get it together.  
Camp designations
Camp designations
Streaming Meemies 
Big source improvement using CD player
Data is for sissies. Is you deaf?  
Are CD players goig the way of the 8 track,and the cassette?
Convenience has always been the highest priority for many.  
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
I don’t think it was overrated ever. I think it was underrated. It’s gotten almost as bad a rap as Their Satanic Majesties Request. If only you could hear what I hear with your ears. 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
Sorry but Exile on Main St. is a great Stones album. The 1994 Virgin cassette remastered by Bob Ludwig is spectacular. 🤗 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
Cool at the time to the counterculture? Say what?!  Have you flipped your gizzard?  
Loudness - Why has the industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer?
glubsonThe only problem is that I could never figure out how not to mess it up. >>>>No surprise here. 🤗