

Responses from geoffkait

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Gotterdammerung, Joseph Keilberth, Bayreuth 1955, Testament label.  
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Sucking up RFI/EMI? Interesting. So you’re sayin it’s like a magnet for RFI/EMI? Wait’ll the military finds out about that! OMG! Don’t tell anybody RF/EMI is composed of photons, you know, which don’t have charge. 
The invention of measurements and perception
Speaking of the color BLUE, especially with respect to the whole subject of human perception, can anybody guess what color is best for room walls, you know, in terms of sound quality? And what about the ceiling? Anyone want to hazard a guess? Most... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
JitterGeoff, thank you for establishing that the magnetism is not part of the functioning mechanism of the mat, we were all wondering about that. Just so we do not need to go back and reread 15 pages to find it, would you please refresh our memori... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Humor MIA, Uber? 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Uh, nobody is saying there’s no such thing as psychological bias, or whatever, but it’s silly to say those effects are always present. The same skeptics who claim it’s all psychological are the same ones who claim double blind tests will eliminate... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Funny how! Funny like a clown? Does he amuse you? 
The invention of measurements and perception
Can the pain this thread is causing me be measured? 🤕 
Which area of components to spend the most $ on? Boy I was wrong all my life!
millercarbon“Forces you think about the system as a whole.”>>>>>Also forces you to think about the system as a black hole. It also forces you to think of the system as a big rabbit hole.  
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Damage Control! Damage Control! Kame-Kazi attack! Sailors man your stations!! 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I hate to judge before all the facts are in but there appears to be a very thin line between deep rooted skepticism and just being a scamp. 
The invention of measurements and perception
Well, of course nothing would exist if you were not here. That’s pretty obviously. On the other hand people see reality differently. While people may sometimes agree on what that reality is, especially for subjective reality like hearing and visio... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
People! We already established that magnetism is strictly for attaching the mat to a ferrous metal object. The principle involved has absolutely nothing to do with magnetism 🧲. That’s why the newer smaller cards are not (rpt not) magnetic. In fact... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
stevechamRutherford said,"An alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid."I much prefer the quote from Richard Feynman,”If I could explain it to the average person they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.” 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
mzkmxcvStereophile recorded one sighted listening test at an audio show comparing speaker cables, and the group that preceded expensove cables actually chose the generic cables. The test itself was highly flawed though: sighted, not individual (mo...