

Responses from geoffkait

The JC Whitney syndrome
Bingo! There is no point of diminishing returns! Hel-loo! 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
I totally get where you’re coming from Michael. It’s your way or the highway. That’s OK with me. Just let me know how many deprogrammers I need to bring when I come to Vegas.Thou shall have no other gods before me. 😛 
Your favourite Rush albums?
Uber, your spell checker broken? 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I’m elated to know I apparently dodged a bullet, some kind of horrible problem involved with circuit breaker panels, when I jumped off the AC grid a few years ago. Whew! That was a close one!  
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
I wood be remiss in not mentioning some other audiophile icons made of wood. The Shakti Halographs, Room Tuning devices, a classic. Shun Mook Spatial Control Kit (3 Mpingo discs on a wooden bracket. An awesome device. Shun Mook record weight, stac... 
Cable insulation, graphene, electron flow... how does it work?
Actually, making the observation is the most important thing. 👀 
why do hi-end fuses keep blowing, while std don't?
Most likely std fuse blows go unreported, so it would probably be unfair and untrue to say only audiophile fuses blow.  
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
Michael, obviously my Sony Walkman and Sony Ultralight headphones system is not the same as “room listening.” However, I should point out that headphone listening, or “direct ear” listening as you call it, does have some very important advantages ... 
The JC Whitney syndrome
Of the usual audiophile tweaks, including the really controversial and way out ones, one sees or reads about there actually has never been one that was found to be a hoax or a fraud or any such thing. On the other hand, what we do find are audioph... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
Getting back to Mpingo wood for just a second. I would have thought Tuners would be all over this thing like ducks on a June bug, jumping up and down at the mention of Mpingo wood or Mpingo discs. The Mpingo disc, African Rosewood + Gabon Ebony, a... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
Would I kid you? https://youtu.be/H07NpWk_Xf8 
Manufacturers pushing their products and agenda in the forums.
yyzsantabarbaraI propose that the regular Audiogon site become a SAFE ZONE and a new area is created on the site called the audio DARK ZONE. A place where manufacturers, dealers, and anybody else can participate without worry. You enter the DARK Z... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
I realize MF is a big vinyl guy but geez, Louise, you can only get so much soundstage when you’ve got 10,000 records crammed into the listening room. No offense to anyone. I mean, come on! MF would be wise to place his entire record collection in ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Miles Davis - Miles Smiles. Columbia Legacy CD. Definitive musically and recording wise. 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
A quick shout out for Mpingo wood. The audiophile’s secret weapon.