

Responses from geoffkait

What in your mind represents real technological advancement.
You’re a funny guy. Funny like a clown funny. 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
dwmaggieQuestion for Millercarbon or Geofkaitt or any one. Considering a tube amp to run the ESS Heil AMT. I listen at mostly moderate levels. Current amp is Parasound Zamp.3 at 35w per channel. There is a Wavebourn on E for 800+shipping, but only... 
What in your mind represents real technological advancement.
I wish someone would develop an error detection/correction code that actually works. The Reed Solomon code doesn’t work. They must’ve got two old guys and told them to come up with something, anything. Plus the CD vibrates and flutters like crazy.... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
“I live in the Twilight Zone.”I can vouch for that. 😳 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Quantum dots (artificial atoms). Final answer. What do I win? Backup answer: artificial turf. 
Moderately priced audio
Achieving good sound has very little to do with equipment, cables, speakers. That’s so 1980s.  Infuriating, isn’t it? 🥵 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
Re Marconi vs Tesla.(Of course Tesla also was known for his work on DC power.) Marconi won the Nobel prize for wireless communication. Marconi was the first to achieve trans Atlantic radio communication. While it’s true Tesla applied for lots of p... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
glupson2,017 posts04-29-2019 9:34pmgeoffkait,I suggest you read a bit about Tesla’s work, too. If for nothing else, but because Marconi was using a number of his patents for his work. Seventeen, if I remember correctly but I may be way off (many y... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
As McMurphy admonished the other inmates in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest when he failed to lift the 300 pound water cooler - at least I tried. My only nit is that if you wish to be a member in good standing in the Isolation Club you should prob... 
Replaced CDP w/ Transport; Now, Soundstage Changes Dramatically w/each CD. Why?
You should be a reviewer. 😬 
Whats playing on your system today?
Moody Blues The Balance. Remastered CD. He took to himself an orangeand tasted it, and it was good. 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
I know, right? It was the very model of restraint. What is the name of all that’s sacred is going on? Am I a pariah? Did MG rat me out? Is there collusion afoot? I cry foul!  
At what point is an external D/A converter warranted or beneficial
The pleasure is all mine. 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
I had five (count em!) Alfas in a row. The most fun of any car to have in the shop. Most had de Dion rear end and rubber couplers separating the segments of the drive shaft. You knew when it was time to get new couplers when you saw one flying dow... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
I almost forgot. Nobody said audio nervosa can’t be fun. Think of it like gambling. Sure, it’s an addiction. But it’s fun. Even when you lose it’s still fun.