

Responses from geoffkait

Distortions that the human ear likes. Are there any ?
Bob Dylan?  
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
The best isolation occurs when there is a great ease of motion. Therefore, ironically and perhaps counter-intuitively, a flimsy and flexible stand would sound better than a rigid one. A rigid frame actually transfers vibration more efficiently tha... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Are you planning on going underground soon?  
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
The problem for two stacked iso (spring) systems is they will interfere if the Fr resonant frequencies are close to each other. My Nirvana 2 stage isolation base has two stacked heavy mass-on-spring layers, where the Fr for each stage is predeterm... 
Shocked removed spikes, used blue tack, what other non spike footer
My Super Stiff Springs are intended for just such things as heavy subs. Each spring rated at 30 lb. so 5 springs will isolate a thing weighing up to 150 1b. And since the Super Stiff Springs are small in size they have excellent lateral support. C... 
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
Both the vibraplane and my Nimbus single airspring platform of yore employed “underslung masses” to achieve very low Fr isolation and lateral stability. The Nimbus also employed a large aux air canister to boost the effectiveness of the single rel... 
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
Symposium discovers springs. Whoa! Shut my mouth and call me corn pone! 
Best earphone for the value
I hate to bring this up again in a way but the SQ I have now with a humble Sony Walkman and Sony Walkman headphones, those yellow and gray jobs, is well beyond what I used to have with a conventional set-up - all tube Class A Woo Audio headphone a... 
Distortions that the human ear likes. Are there any ?
I suspect wires made of lead would sound quite good, i.e., have very low distortion, you know, not having a crystalline structure like silver and copper or being fraught with the directionality issue. Lead fuse, anyone? Does anyone make 5 nines le... 
Effects of different feet on floorstanders with a thickish rug
If the objective is to completely pierce the thick carpet and the underlying mat in order to achieve better coupling with cones a hole punch comes in mighty handy. 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
I did not anticipate that afterlife sound systems would be subject to peer review.  
Distortions that the human ear likes. Are there any ?
Are we talking about a woman here or a doll?  
I'm having a really hard time with: "Power cable reduced my soundstage"...
That sounds right. They took one look 👀 at all the flakes and did an about face. 
Tube rolling Question
I used the 40s Tung Sol rectifier tube with my Sylvania 6SN7 Bad Boys in the Woo Audio headphone amp with great success. I bought a matched pair of Tung Sols at no small expense just in case. Better safe than sorry. I also used two Herbies Tube Da... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Not necessarily.https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catacombo-sound-system_n_3874456