

Responses from geoffkait

Furutech fuse
You missed all the good stuff. No wonder you have such a bad attitude. Could 50,000 happy customers be wrong?  
Acoustic treatment
Huh? OK, I’ll repeat it. Maybe it will sink in this time. The frequency of operation for a Helmholtz resonator is a function of 3 variables - volume, nozzle diameter and nozzle length. Therefore, you would be able, well, maybe not you personally, ... 
Am I considered to be a materialistic person?
Emerson, Lake and Pond. 
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
Huh? Isolation stands for audio applications have routinely gotten the resonant frequency down to below 10 Hz, almost any of the usual suspects have Fr around 3 Hz or less. The Champs at Fr are my Nimbus Sub-Hertz Platform at 0.5 Hz and the Minus ... 
Furutech fuse
Huh? Synergistic explains very clearly what they do to their fuses. I’m not sure I sign up 100% to their explanation, but at least they tried.“Never get behind anyone 100%.” - Bob Beatty, my old boss at NASA 
Who are the Kings of Audiogon?
There are some Princesses, I’ll grant you that. 
Furutech fuse
I don’t get what all the angst and mystery mongering is all about. Aftermarket fuses have been around like forever and and well understood. In fact there really aren’t any mysteries at all, as far as I can tell. They’re not forthcoming? Huh? Most ... 
Solid state AB amp?
Is that the one they use in submarines?  
Would an Isolation TT platform further improve my TT?
Not to be too picky ⛏ but it’s actually that the Earth’s crust is moving like a wave, that’s what produces the *very low frequency* up and down movement of the building, and the horizontal movement of the building and the rotational forces that tr... 
Ingress Audio Engineering
When granite or bluestone or whatever is placed on springs it’s isolated right along with the component. Also, when the slabs are two or three inches thick they will not ring unless you strike them with a hammer. Even then they go thunk!  Also, do... 
Acoustic treatment
noble100geoffkait:"In the case of the much maligned CD not very much of the bass frequencies are coming through anyway so what’s the difference?"Hello Mr. Rocket Science, True RS, most cds and vinyl recordings only contain summed mono bass from 20... 
Ingress Audio Engineering
Slate actually appears to have much in common with bluestone. To whit,Slate is a fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous metamorphic rock derived from an original shale-type sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash through low-grade regional ... 
Ingress Audio Engineering
bdp245,265 posts05-21-2019 2:07amDamn, 3" thick?! What's one weigh?>>>>A lot. 
Shocked removed spikes, used blue tack, what other non spike footer
If it looks like marketing blather, smells like marketing blather and walks like marketing blather, chances are good it’s marketing blather.  
How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?
It was a sign of the times that Curl et all went to Parasound about 20 years ago and abondonded Blowtorch preamp and the Bar B Q amp which were very high end components. I participated with Curl and Crump (TG Audio) the last year they exhibited th...