

Responses from geoffkait

Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
It’s all my idea, no one else’s. You’re neither an engineer or a lawyer. My products and ideas are protected by law. 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Frank got it from Perfect Path who copied it from me. I don’t like it when people try to profit from my ideas.  
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
The products are my intellectual property. When am I going to get royalties? In your country it’s OK to steal ideas? I don’t care if you are on welfare and living in a tree. - generally good geoffkait 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
All of his posts are essentially the same. “I’m so smart everything I say must be correct.” “Evidence is the same as proof.” Give is a break. Gee, I always assumed his name was tin can. You know, as in kicking a tin can down the street. 🤡 I’m on a... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Re-typing a long comment that was just deleted by the Mods might not be the best strategy in this particular case but let’s wait and see what happens. 🤡 But let me help you out with a few phrases you can use,”As everybody knows...””There is no deb... 
Why discussions generate into personal affronts...
Liar, liar, pants on fire 🔥 Prove it! Is it true Thastum when you lie your pants really are on fire, Mr. Smarty Pants? 👖  
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Was that a self deletion I just saw? Oh, my! 
Why discussions generate into personal affronts...
You still don’t get the difference between proof and evidence, do you? You probably think that’s a personal attack. IHMO? The joker laughs at you. 🤡E = mc^2 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Kudos to analgloober for writing an almost grammatically correct sentence. I’m not worried about him correcting the sentence because he doesn’t know what grammatically means.Imagine, people accuse me of shooting fish in a barrel. 🐟 🐠 🐠  
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
I’m always encouraged when folks copy my ideas like using copper tape around the room. Machina Dynamica’s Flying Saucers for Windows and Flying Saucers for Unused Wall Outlets have been around for quite some time, since 2013. But a word of caution... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Hey, thanks roberttcan! That’s might decent of ya! I’m giving serious consideration to putting you on the payroll. Maybe as a Junior Shill. 
Opinions Golden Sounds DH Cones, I just bought some,they came in today
I just went to goldensound.com and found the page for DH Cones and was able to place an order for Super DH Cones in the shopping cart, all within about 20 seconds. https://www.goldensound.com 
Ethernet Cables Make A Difference
Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat - Wow!
Is there an echo in here? By my count that’s the fourth appearance of that post.  
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
georgehifiIt’s a counter measure, to BS on $150 mains fuses.I urge those here to use it and pass it on and post it up, every time BS is presented on the sound of AC mains fuses and their installed direction@analogluvr roberttcan pass this on >&...