

Responses from geoffkait

New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
My leather shoes are patented.  
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
You totally don’t get it. There are relatively few instances in over 100,000 entries where the dynamic range of the same issue of CD is higher than the vinyl issue. That’s just the way things are. You lose again. Einstein has the same affliction, ... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Did somebody put the wrong kind of mushrooms in mapman’s turkey? 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Frank, you’re kidding, right? What would atdavid (Ethan) say to his friends?  
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
Your analysis in incorrect. You cannot go by max dynamic range only because the max can occur very infrequently on a given album or even only once or one one track. That is precisely why the database provides minimum and average and maximum dynami... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Is mapman high today?  
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
atdavidThis is completely irrelevant to the discussion. Why post a database of human intervention in mastering when the discussion is about the abilities of a data format independent of whatever decisions a human made during mastering? >>>... 
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
Hydrogen Audio? Don’t make me laugh! Ooops, too late! 😁 😁 😁For those in my past who haven’t done so, I urge you to visit the unofficial dynamic range database and get eddicated.http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=Ten+years+after&album= 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Frank is like Einstein. He never learns.  
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
It is modus operandi for skeptics to troll threads that are discussing controversial or new tweaks. Dreaming up as many ridiculous arguments as they can. But much of what was posted by “skeptics” on this particular thread is reminiscent of the fam... 
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
The parking the car analogy is actually not correct. The problem is not the original recording and it’s not the digital format. It’s the remastering or in some cases the original mastering that’s the problem. It’s the overly aggressive dynamic ran... 
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
Apparently they still don’t teach good grammar back in the past. Nice try though. You can’t teach comedy. Comedy is subjective. I was born with perfect comedic timing. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Are you familiar with the expression, “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?”?  
What do you say to your audiophile friends who say you just listen to your equipment more
Never critique another man’s rutabaga unless he asks you. - Old audiophile axiom Some words and phrases you might consider using if you’re not sure what to say are, Wow!, holy crap!, nice! What did you do to your system?, nice soundstage, Smooth!,... 
Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?
We are probing the future generations. Unfortunately, but a lot of them have no real future. Too much time spent with noses in books. Not enough time in reality. I’m getting all choked up. 😢 Geez, even a cosmic wedgie won’t work.