

Responses from geoffkait

Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Wow, all I have to do is say the magic words, thick as a brick, and George pops up. Am I psychic or what? I have explained many times right here on these forums why fuses and all wire are directional in AC circuits including the power cords. It’s ... 
Adjusting speaker positioning. What, if anything, to expect?
There are a lot of variables. You can say that again, Boo Boo! That’s why people need to use the out-of-phase track method. Because that method ELIMINATES most of the variables and is guaranteed to ALWAYS find the ABSOLUTE BEST speaker positions. ... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Yeah, right. I guess the 50,000 who had good luck with fuses don’t quite have the hearing you and Wolfie do. 🤗 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Wolfie, let me ask you a direct question. Are you pretending to be dense or are you really that dense? Because if you’re pretending you’re doing an excellent job. It’s no wonder you keep asking the same question over and over again. 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
If you close your eyes there should be no difference whatsoever between “you are there” and “they are here.” At the same time most systems are so well, unrevealing - is that too harsh a word? - that the question is actually moot. You’re certainly ... 
Adjusting speaker positioning. What, if anything, to expect?
mijostynGeoffkait, you automatically adjust phase when you listen for the image. Adjusting phase is only important when you have separate drivers such as subwoofers. Think about that. You can move your head side to side and find the exact spot whe... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Pop Quiz! Wolfie cannot hear the difference between a stock $1 fuse and an advanced audiophile fuse. Yet 50,000 others do hear the difference. What does that tell you? I know what Wolfie is thinking, "But my system sounds fabulous!" 
Adjusting speaker positioning. What, if anything, to expect?
As I oft counsel the method of moving speakers a little one way or the other and listening each time you move them is far from ideal and can only result in finding local maximum speaker positions, at best. You cannot find the absolute best positio... 
What Powers Your Power?
The power of a thousand butterfly sneezes. 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Quick answer to Wolfman question: All wire is directional, but printed circuit board traces are formed from thin copper sheets, which are not directional. However all wire in an electrical component IS directional including but not limited to wire... 
Chemically Altered Audio
Technically, and perhaps ironically, the primary subject of the OP - static electric charge - is not (rpt not) contained in any of the three embeddings that mahgister oft reminds us. Oh, my! 😛 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
There are four (count em!) dimensions of the recording venue. Three physical dimensions and the fourth one is time. All four dimensions are captured on the recording, assuming a live recording. The “ambience” - reverberant decay and so forth - is ... 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
douglas_schroederAs usual, YMMV, and I’m not interested in debating my perspective. >>>>>Wise move. 🤗 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
It’s same conundrum as the time paradox from the movie Interstellar. The astronaut ages slower than people back home on Earth because time slows down on a spaceship traveling at near light-speed relative to a stationary frame of motion. But the pa... 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
There’s no difference. It’s a semantic argument.