

Responses from geoffkait

What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Douglas_schroeder wrote (in 2004)"I'm guessing no one's seen this kind of response to this question yet. I'm 42, pastor, and I intentionally have not purchased as high end a system as I'd like; I give very sacrificially to the Lord. I'm investing ... 
Speaker cables of cooper, or silver :Pros/Cons
Too many variables to make a definite statement about silver and copper. The conductor gauge, dielectric material, alloys of gold/silver, etc., cable geometry, quality of connectors, quality of solder/weld, specific application, whether burned in ... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Sabai wrote,"Geoffkait,To keep things simple, when referring to "in the signal path" I am talking about whatever is actually connected to the circuitry of the system."I suspect that might makes things a little too simple. Of course it all depends ... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Sabai wrote,"geoffkait, you stated, "I honestly don't know where Sabai falls." Frankly, I don't care where I "fall". Whoever wants to pigeon-hole me can go right ahead."I did not make that statement. You must be thinking of someone else.Cheers, GK 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Kijanki wrote,"Geoffkait, electrons don't travel at all - they vibrate standing in place since we're dealing with AC signals."I was obviously referring to audio cables, not A/C cables. Electron Drift Velocity is on the order of 1 mm/hr.Cheers 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Onhwy61 wrote, "My apologies for misdescribing the telephone thing. Although I note you are careful not to say it wasn't a joke." - Ok, I'll say it. It's not a joke. It's as serious as a colonoscopy without anesthetic.:-)GK 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Onhwy61 wrote,"Some people fall outside the curve because they are brilliant outsiders blazing paths into the unknown. But for every person like that there are probably a thousand who are just oddballs. I honestly don't know where Sabai falls. I a... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Sabai wrote,"But I can speculate. Electrons travel awfully fast through cables. And as they travel through a series of cables they are being organized in a unique way through each unique cable -- and through each unique "tweak". It is the combined... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Douglas_schroeder wrote,"I'm not impressed with devices and gimmicks which are not in the signal path and seemingly have little purpose toward the signal (aside from sensible room tuning devices like sound panels and bass traps, etc.). They are la... 
Have you heard or own the Shakti Hallograph
Raytheprinter, I'm giving serious consideration to promoting you from Associate Troll to Senior Stalker.GK 
Another Next Best Tweak
Colored magnets are quite interesting, too....red, green, blue depending on where placed - aluminum, steel, power plugs, glass, wood, etc. The colored magnets can be the low power inexpensive ceramic type, no problemo. 
In defense of quantum products.
Mapman wrote,"But I would be weary of its use specifically as a marketing device to make a home audio product appear more sophisticated or effective than perhaps it really is."Name one. One that you actually have experience with, that is.I grow we... 
Isolation Devices: Any Good Ones?
Tom, you are correct, sir. And they seem like SUCH a good idea. 
Isolation Devices: Any Good Ones?
Bungee cords rule. Relatively low WAF. 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman wrote,"This is my last post about fuses! It's been real....."Thank goodness.:-)