

Responses from geoffkait

Wet Cleaning the Stylus
Nothing so mundane as Discwasher. Thanks, anyway. 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Al, I realize this next series of comments is beyond the scope of this discussion but I'd thought I'd throw it out there anyway, perhaps to see what you think. As I think I probably mentioned somewhere along the line on this thread, I have been us... 
Wet Cleaning the Stylus
What was the name of the chemical that was used to clean styli about twenty five years ago? Whatever it was the stylus was made very clean and clear. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
You make anyone who enters your listening room wear a blindfold. 
oppo's volume control
I'm driving a Woo Audio WA6 headphone amp directly with the Oppo 103 with excellent results. Very immediate sounding and transparent. 
Need "warm" interconnects advice
$64K might be a little steep for interconnects. Even the Purist Audio interconnects are only around $12K. Getting back to Earth for a second would you spring for $3K for interconnects? 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Al, nice post but I have a few questions. One is if it's true that magnets can affect the electrons in the conductor how would they affect them? Logically, I suppose it's possible that electrons can be attracted by the positive pole of a magnet or... 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
To all, before we too sidetracked, let's try to focus on what we were talking about for a second. What we were talking about is the electromagnetic wave that is the audio signal. We only mentioned magnetic fields when magnets were brought up. Now,... 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Tbg, if folk aren't wrapping their toroidal transformers with annealed mu metal they are nowheresville. There are a lot of things going on under the radar that will come out at a later date, bye for now... 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Hey, Tom, I've been using magnets since Christ was a Boy Scout. I'm just objecting to your explanation. For years folks were trying to get rid of magnetic connectors, magnetic steel enclosures, magnetic screws in speakers and wall outlet plates, e... 
You're making me blush. 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Theaudiotweak wrote,"How about magnets. Magnets enhance the directionality of ac passing thru them much the same as cryo treatment of metals and conductors enhance and unify the direction of their molecules. Results are better sound. Improved dyna... 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Mapman, I heard you I get it. You're tired and can't think if anything to contribute. I totally understand. Maybe time to sit this one out. Lol 
Some irrefutable truths about rock and roll
We want tuna that taste good, not tuna with good taste. 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
Theaudiotweak wrote,"How about magnets. Magnets enhance the directionality of ac passing thru them much the same as cryo treatment of metals and conductors enhance and unify the direction of their molecules. Results are better sound. Improved dyna...