

Responses from geoffkait

Directional cables - what does that really mean?
We can measure the precise speed of the electrons. That much is certain. 
CD Spkr Set-Up ?
XLO Test CD, the out of phase track for speaker set up. Accept no substitutes. 
More mainstream news on growing interest in vinyl
Well, they were better sounding than say CDs, that's for Gol Dern sure. Tape, any tape, is a natural medium. It breathes. 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
The rectifier converts alternating current to direct current. That's true. But the current is not the signal. Besides the last time I looked the (directional) fuse in amps is inserted in FRONT of the rectifier. Hel-loo! 
More mainstream news on growing interest in vinyl
That's what the mainstream news has been saying for years. Ever since 1982, actually. What I'd like to know is where is the cassette revolution in the mainstream news? 
Since solder is such a poor conductor, why use it?
Electron tubes are not soldered into place. All those ribbon connectors are not soldered. Why not use tiny little mechanical connectors instead of solder? Has anyone actually measured the losses due to all the solder connections? One wonders how m... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
I never said you don't need both. What do you think that proves? You need electrons, too, but they can't be the signal, they don't travel fast enough. They are virtually moving whereas the signal is traveling at near light speed. Air molecules in ... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
Bozdog, but we're not talking about the carrier, we're talking about the signal. The signal travels at near light speed. The elections on the other hand travel about a foot an hour. Hel-loo! The signal in the room is the acoustic wave, not the air... 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
Some said, "define the signal." I define what it's not, how's that? It's not the electrons. AC is what, alternating current? Guess what? It's not the current either. 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
The electrons go back and forth, at least somewhat and at very low speed, they are virtually standing still, but the signal does not go back and forth. That's the issue. Thus any wire or cable will sound better in one direction than the other. Thi... 
Million Dollar Speakers?
The company that makes the Adrenaline Rush line of speakers showed off a million dollar system at CES in Vegas, was it 2001? As I recall the monster speakers were driven by a boatload of Plinius electronics. Word on the street was the system didn'... 
Tubes and their problems
Clean the top surface of all tube sockets just in case. It is often arcing from one pin to another via dirty sockets that produces the pop or crackle. 
Favorite CD treatment Products
The word invisible can be a little bit misleading since the way CDs work is based on several things, not the least of which are laser wavelength and width, geometry of the disc and CD transport, the index of refraction of polycarbonate and the tra... 
Review: Ultra Fi Continuous Contact Damping Cables Power cord
Compared to what? Thanks in advance. 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Next up, give me a word with three double letters in a row.