Responses from geoffkait
Git watcha want Keith caught the virus but it immediately died. | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! fundsgonGeoffkait,true enuf. He did however, predict orbital precession. His calculations perfectly predicted mercury’s orbit, which is subject to a higher degree of precession than the outer planets. Orbital dynamics using classical physics are n... | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! mahgisterAlbert Einstein once wrote on a blackboard: “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.”>>>>>Nope, sorry. Einstein would never say something so trite. It doesn’t mean anything. | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! fundsgonAlbert Einstein could predict the orbital precession of a star around a black hole, but not even he could predict the break-in period of a pair of bookshelf speakers. >>>>His prediction was all the more remarkable as Einstein d... | |
Git watcha want Ventilator Blues would have been funnier. | |
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion A trolling we will go. A Trolling we will go. Hi ho the dairy-o a trolling we will go 🕺🏻 | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! A break in is a whole lot better than an out break. 🤗 | |
Ehernet cable question in streaming systems Hey, at least one person understands how digital music actually works. 🙄 | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! fundsgonStart the a/b test with a component for which it should be easy to discern the difference between new out of the box and then after 1000 hours of normal playing. A pair of full range speakers should do the trick, handily. Well, actually tw... | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! heaudio123Ultimately the only thing that matters is is the effect audible. Would be a relatively easy test, a new unit(s) and burned in unit(s) and do A/B/X analysis. Unfortunately that is anathema to many audiophiles.>>>>It almost sou... | |
My list of seller red flags | |
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered? Toole is one of my favorites. He was awesome in Lawrence of Arabia. | |
My list of seller red flags I’m downsizing for the coronavirus pandemic. | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! You can’t debunk something that’s not bunk.You can’t cheat an honest man and never smarten up a chump. - old audiophile axiom 🤗 | |
My list of seller red flags It was working the last time I used it. |