

Responses from geoffkait

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
How many combinations of directions for two fuses?  First fuse in WRONG direction, the other in WRONG direction.  First fuse in RIGHT direction, the other in WRONG direction.  The first fuse in WRONG direction, the other in RIGHT direction.  Final... 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
No one ever said they were neutral.   
Sound quality of Genesis remastered CDs?
Check out the Unofficial Dynamic Range Database and all will be revealed.http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=Genesis&album= 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
One wonders why a surfer would even wear a watch.  Are you timing the waves rolling in? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
One wonders if there’s any advantage to quantum tunneling say an entire transformer....hmmmmm. Or all of the internal wiring in a preamp. Maybe provide spools of quantum tunneled hook up wire. 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
"Well, let's see, when was the last time you found yourself at 100 m or at 10 Atmospheres pressure? Take your time, you don't have to answer right away.Any time you dive into a pool with a watch on it will experience pressure equivalent of 100m a... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
Well, let's see, when was the last time you found yourself at 100 m or at 10 Atmospheres pressure?  Take your time, you don't have to answer right away. 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
Schubert’s correct, they are ugly and heavy, I prefer something light and cheap, something like say men’s Baby G. Much cooler than Rolex ever thought of being. Although I probably wouldn't turn down a Rolex bubble back. 
Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists
Right, and Burt shot an arrow through the offending redneck’s chest. "It's a center shot." 
Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists
Fortunately I’ve never been one to pay much attention to angry foaming at the mouth wannabees. Now it really is the end of the discussion. Or is it? I'm betting there will be more whining and bleating. 
How can it be that some old recordings sound sublime?
Say, wasn't that prior to the introduction of digital? No offense intended.  Lol 
What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?
Just say no.  Or yes.  Whatever. 
$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs
What’s it’s all about, Alfie? You don’t really think (manufacturer) frequency response measurements or data translate into real world frequency response, do you? Even if the speakers weren’t measured in an anechoic chamber, who knows how they were... 
Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists
I suspect gentle readers here are capable of deciding who’s actually doing all the squealing like a pig. But getting back to the original question as to whether audiophiles are the most gullible folks around, I suggest if an audiophile suspects fo... 
Who are the most underground high-end companies
I suspect a lot of folks don’t find differences between expensive high end cables and modestly priced or even cheap cables but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any differences, perhaps even big differences. It just could mean the experiment was flaw...