
Responses from gdush

want to hook up 2 spkrs for each left and right.
Both speakers are identical and mounted one above the other. I am using a Sherbourn Receiver. 
want to hook up 2 spkrs for each left and right.
This is for a larger presence for the theater. It will not be used for music. My other system is for music. 
Projector - Looking for advice
I ended up purchasing a sony from a friend.ThanksGreg 
Are all external hard drives the same?
Al, Thank you very much. Greg 
Are all external hard drives the same?
Could I just buy a heavy duty external hard drive and get a Blu-Ray recorder card to put in my current computer? If I record on my current computer and put the data on the external hard drive, could I just unhook the external drive and hook it int... 
Are there any audiophile quality streaming options
Thank you everyone. The information was very helpful. Greg 
Are all external hard drives the same?
Thank you all so much! I want to put Blu-ray, DVD, CD, lossless on the drive. What is the best way?ThanksGreg 
Krell Showcase 7.1 VS Classe SSP 60
I just purchased the Classe 60 and am doing what you just said with the Oppo 95. There are a couple of Showcases on Audiogon now for about $750 with a best offer. Not a bad price. I bet you could get one for $650 if you are patient.Greg 
Krell Showcase 7.1 VS Classe SSP 60
EX: Oppo 95 and Left Front. I really need to slow down when I am typing :) 
Krell Showcase 7.1 VS Classe SSP 60
Please exceuse parts of my last post. I was typing too fast. You understand what I was getting at.Greg 
Krell Showcase 7.1 VS Classe SSP 60
I loved the music of my HTS. The problem was that I was also using at for my home theater. The HTS only had Pro Logic (2 audio inputs) that create an early version of surround sound. The 7.1 has the ability to seperate each speaker. It has inputs ... 
Krell Showcase 7.1 VS Classe SSP 60
Nice. I actually purchased the SSP 60 
Are there any audiophile quality streaming options
Still wondering if the OPPO 95 can access MOG? 
Are there any audiophile quality streaming options
Does anyone know if MOG can be accesses with the Oppo 95. 
Media Server Confusion
Are there amy media servers that I can hook up to my system that I can copy discs directly from my Oppo to the server? If so, what is a good product without costing tons of cash?ThanksGreg