
Responses from gboren

Help with blown amp
Thanks for the responses. The user's manual actually advises the owner to remove the top and see if there are any LED's that are lit, which indicates a blown fuse. I can see an LED through the slits in the top and I'm sure that at the very least, ... 
Any ideas on a good used "starter" table?
I don't know how much you plan on spending, but a 1980's vintage Linn LP12 might be just what you want. You can sometimes find them on Agon for under $800 w/tonearm. The beauty is that they are completely upgradeable. Eventually, you will end up w... 
recommend a simple but hi-quality active pre-amp?
For just over $1K you should be able to find a Plinius CD-LAD. I don't think you could do any better for that money. 
more help with vinyl..
Dla405j,I have experienced the same problems with disk washers. I have a Nitty Gritty. They do help somewhat, but will not turn a scratchy record into a clean sounding one. Nothing will. Generally speaking, the noise on these records is a result o... 
Burning a CD
I have to respectfully disagree with Slipknot1 about the "audio optimized" blanks. The only difference between the "audio" blanks and the rest is that the "audio" have the coding to work in consumer class non-computer cd recorders. The extra money... 
My Next Miles Davis Disc?
Those are really very different recordings. If you liked Kind of Blue, you might want to check out Cannonball Adderley's "Something Else". It's really a Miles album with Adderley given credit as the lead. It's really beautiful, laid back, melodic,... 
Potential problem with sale.
Legally, it depends on what was represented. If your ad, or other communications, promised compatibility with all TV's, you certainly are obliged to take it back (assuming that his TV is not defective.) If your ad was silent on the issue, then it ... 
Recommendation for guitar duo CD
Try some of these:Strunz & Farah - not my cup of tea, but they are very proficient guitarists, and do have a following. Easy listening.Assad brothers - wonderful guitarists.Friday Night in San Francisco - this is a trio of Mclaughlin, DiMeola ... 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
Jacks,OK, although the silly putty works fine for me (to my ear), your points are certainly worth consideration. But the question is still: Why pay $70 for zerodust when you can get silly putty for $3? You will note that descr... 
Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?
Why pay $70 for Zerodust when you can get silly putty for $3.00? I'm not kidding. My Linn dealer recommended it to me and it works great. Just let the stylus rest under its own weight on a little ball of silly putty and then lift it off. It works ... 
Best cartrige for Linn lp12 Ittok arm.
You might be able to find a used Troika for that price. Some say it is better than their $2200 Arkiv. 
Linn Arkiv or Lyra Helikon?
And the winner is...I got the Linn Arkiv B. Thanks for the input. It's really difficult to audition cartridges and one has to rely on others who know.The Arkiv sounds wonderful even before it is broken in. Most notably is the amazing imaging and s... 
Kharma Ceramique 1.1 or Verity Parsifal Encore?
without any hesitation,i would go to pasifal encore 
Wire vs. Vibration vs. Power Cond. is best?
Except for vibration isolation for a turntable, take all the money you might spend on that stuff and upgrade your speakers, electronics, or source for the biggest improvement. 
Verity Parsifal Encore opinions
I have a pair of Verity Parsifal Encore's. I am not a dealer but I have to agree with Celestial Sound. Wonderful speaker. I can't imagine it getting any better than this.