
Responses from garyralph

What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes
Thanks Jim. I appreciate your generosity in taking the time to speak with me about the NAF 845 Integrated SE recently. I believe that the unit I'm expecting has the Tung-Sol rectifiers. I'll take some NOS RCA 845's if you have em' though! 
What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes
Hey Russ:You really got me interested in the Concerto when we spoke a while back. I'm really excited about the Offrandes, which should arrive in a week or two. I actually came close to getting a Concerto, but decided to buck the popular opinion, a... 
Spendor S8e, Dynaudio Focus 220, VA Grand Mozart
I agree that the hype is real. I owned a pair of Spendor S8e's, and originally ran them with a Cary V12R tube amp and Audible Illusions pre. The midrange was indeed spectacularly lush and realistic. Bass response was excellent. I listen mainly to ... 
What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes
Soliver:Thanks for the great input. May I quote you to my wife on the "smart move" part? Just when I was about to get this sorted out, you have to complicate my life with all these SET amp temptations, and the NAF 845 SE looks VERY tempting.I wond... 
What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes
I received a response from Jean Claude Reynaud, who indicated that it was difficult to make a specific recomendation, as people's tastes vary. As others have written, he said the speakers do not require alot of power, but will benefit from "some c... 
What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes
Thank you Eril. That's a good suggestion. I have spoken with Bob at Amherst Audio, the U.S. distributor for Reynaud He favors Manley and Blue Circle. Manley is coming out with the Manta Ray, an integrated based on the monoblock Snappers. I also ha... 
What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes
Thanks Bojack. You may be right. I'm sure that the Phi 30/30 would sound very nice with the Offrandes, but this is also a financial decision. I've decided to re-allocate more of my resources into speakers, and less into electronics. The distributo... 
Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?
Thanks Tvad. I notice the LL2 has only 3 inputs, one of which is "direct,". I don't know what that means. Will it accomodate a CD player, tuner and phono preamp? 
Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?
No, we didn't discuss the PHI preamp. It's out of my price range, so there was no point. This is the first I've heard about it being discontinued. Regarding the Renaissance series pre's. Yes, they're beyond my budget right now also. It's just that... 
Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?
Thanks everyone for the helpful advice. I have spoken with Kevin. He indicated that there has been very little feedback from PHI owners using other manufacturer's preamps. He recommended one of the Renaissance Series VAC preamps, if I could find a... 
Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?
Well, I'm really not thinking too much in terms of shortcomings with my present system, just looking to wring everything I can from it. I am hoping to improve the width and depth of my soundstage by replacing the Mod 3a though.I've changed every c... 
Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?
Thanks John:I'm considering the VAC Standard LE also. I would think there would be synergy, although it seems there have been relatively few comments about the Stadard LE on this board. Some of the others have gotten alot more buzz. I don't know i... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
"When God Made Me" from Neil Young's "Prairie Wind." Especially poignant when played through my previously owned Spendor S8e's with Musical Fidelity KW500 integrated amp. 
speakers for VAC 30/30 amp
I just received a used VAC PHI 30/30 amp and a new pair of Reynaud Trentes. Although these speakers will need a few hundred hours to break in, the combination sounds fantastic already. Exactly what I was hoping for (at least as far as I can tell t... 
More Newbie Balanced Cable Help
Thanks. Can a balanced cable with XLR to RCA adapter be used coming out of a single ended preamp, or do you need to run an RCA cable with the appropriate adaptet to the balanced input of the amp?