
Responses from garn509

Female Jazz person/new releases...
new persons/new releases -- old music ? Why 2 outa 3? Why look for new covers of songs that have been covered ad nauseum ? Try new vocalists with new music -- Alice Russell,Lily Allen, Patricia Marx, Sabrina Malheiros, Clelia Felix, for starters. 
Modern day female jazz recommendations
Anna Marie Jopek from Poland. First English language release, Secret. Nice cover of Moondance. Just good straightforward singing. 
Best female vocals on CD
Renee Olstead -- not bad when the Lolita sound is subdued. Otherwise, another Lolita voice. 
Best female vocals on CD
Thanks. I'll see what I can find. Sabrina's voice seems to float over the music. 
Best female vocals on CD
Give Brazil some consideration .Bebel GilbertoSabrina MalheirosMarcella MangabeiraRosalia De Souzafor starters 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
More would love good audio if they heard it. But, most people do not consider good audio to be a priority. Hence, most people will not hear good audio. 
Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?
Low exposure ? After 6 or 7 tunes, smooth jazz is predictable. Have you heard the Riita Paakki Trio from Finland ;Christoph Spendel Trio, Germany; Gregg Karukas, USA;Incognito, UK -- the MP3 only combo on Tupelo Records. 
orbis voog for NAD
Been using Konverter and Converter from the Ubuntu software diectory. Tried a few alleged Linux compatibles, but they were .exe types ( how to drive traffic to your site -- lie ? ). Not eager to set aside the cdp. 
220 in, 110 out
Should have mentioned that the 220 is European 
upgrade phono stage ?
dover, those may be very good phono stages, and whee can they be found? 
upgrade phono stage ?
If I go the trade in/upgrade route with this dealer, and stay under $200, my choices are limited to what he has. I can stretch to Clearaudio entry level, but have been cautioned that Clearaudio and Benz cartridges are taller than Regas, meaning th... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
We audiophiles may be in mystical rapture over a system's properties, but the rest of Them are not. For Them, the song matters more than the sound. 
Speakers on carpet or bare floor?
Have had a Duh! moment. I placed a thick book, simulating solid wood, under each speaker with the furniture cups in between. Ghetto technology ? Well, it's working. Bass is better disciplined and highs and mid highs are more defined. which brings ... 
Speakers on carpet or bare floor?
I'm limited on the amount of movement. Not my house. Good thoughts, though. 
Speakers on carpet or bare floor?
Bjesein -- You are on to something. I thought the carpet might be softening the bass, but also, it is a larger and higher ceiling room. The system is now situated at one end of a ~24x14 sunroom with a mansard roof ceiling and glass on most of thre...