
Responses from garebear

John Mellencamp - question
Thanks Mofimadness - I hadn't realized that ; '' Life , Death, Life and Freedom ''...also had a live version. The studio version is fantastic by the way. 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
Hello BOL1972 - so, how does the Purist Audio Limited Edition Power cord sound on your Pass labs amp ???? Let me know as others have claimed that due to the ''filtering'' process that it restricts some of the high and low frequencies. I have not f... 
Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs
....I saw a member note ; Layla - Eric Clapton as I was going to say that one ....but in fact the intro was done by Duane Allman - so, Layla Duane Allman 
Which songs or musical standards have haunted you?
George Harrison's ; " Long Long Long '' off the Beatles '' White Album ''....that one gets me. '' Man In a Long Black Coat '' by Bob Dylan off of ; "' Oh Mercy '' ......these really evoke very different emotions for me personally. 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
Hello Bol1972 - I was the original poster of this thread and as I noted ; Nordost Valhalla power cords are a good cords for the right system. They just seemed to thin for me, there was no texture to the music and I lost some of music's rhytham. My... 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
Well hello John....nice to hear from you. I had three of the Valhalla's Power Cords in my system on my Esoteric set up including the clock. The rest of the system is Purist Audio 20th Anniversary and Canours cables, which if you remember I have al... 
Question for all Esoteric owners with clocks .....
Wow !.....can't read without my glasses and your right - what BS $100,000 .....why are some people like this on this site ??? It serves no purpose 
Question for all Esoteric owners with clocks .....
Hello Azjake ......Thank you and curious as to what BNC digital cables cost $10,000 
Grateful Dead fans, check out the "New Yorker"
Thank you for the notice - real good article on the Dead -however, the writer's first show I do believe was not until 1984. He unfortunately missed allot - I did not fist see them until 1977 .....and I missed a real lot.....say what you want - the... 
Stick a fork in Dylan, he's done.
Hello Ben - I do not think that anyone here is doubting the musical, political, social etc. significance of Bob Dylan.....I persoannly just think that the last few albums have sucked. Voice, no voice - they are just not good and to see him live is... 
Stick a fork in Dylan, he's done.
'' Under the Red Sky '' - was different but Dylan is / was never consistent. Not one of my favorites but an album that has an all star cast of musicians that had an obvious influence along with Don Was on the outcome. " Born in Time '' and the alb... 
Mellencamp vs. Seger vs. Springsteen
Hello Sfar and original OP -I am a fan of all three but I have followed Mellencamp since the beginning and that is NOT taking away from the other two artists who I have most of their recordings and have also seen them live..... but ; "Life, Death,... 
Stick a fork in Dylan, he's done.
Mr. Jburidan - you are kidding ...right ???? 
Stick a fork in Dylan, he's done.
.....''Oh Mercy '' is one of my favorites. Real good stuff there....I still enjoy ; Time Out Of Mind ....a little dark for me but the message of him dealing with his own mortality is very clear. I for a long time in my life used to see him maybe t... 
Which Rel subwoofer
......I am also looking at the REL's.....R328 to match with my Sonus Faber Cremona M's. I plan on making this purchase after the Holidays. I would like to see what you do and think of the REL's. Sksos1- we get it you don't like REL's and every thr...