
Responses from garebear

Esoteric A-03 power amp - suggestions on a power cord.
Steve many thanks and very good points ......Stereo 5 , thank you and who sells Acrolink ? Hopefully not the Cable Company ....  
RIP John Bonham
Oblgny  -  I also '' read '' that as well about Ginger Baker who had an ego the size of Kansas. You know .....I also read that their manager ; James Grant was an even bigger one. Yes, both were very talented musicians who no doubt have influenced ... 
RIP John Bonham
I can't believe it has been 37 years ....I had my ticket to see Led Zeppelin in 1978 but the tour was canceled. Good to great drummer but from what I have read ; a real A hole  
Cardas: Cross vs. Reference and Clear
........there are some here you are '' self processed '' know it all's. This member has not even listened to the new line of Cardas Clear  which really are good cables in certain systems. This person continues to give the same old ( bad ) advice i... 
Man this is frustrating
 Stringreen please elaborate on why Cardas won't work in this application ? sounds like you have first hand information that may be useful to the OP. I think the Clear line would be something the OP should look into. Please share your obse... 
Cardas: Cross vs. Reference and Clear
Really Stringreen you just have nothing else to do but troll Cardas threads and tell everybody once again .... about how much you don't like Cardas and how they didn't work in your system ??? Don't you get tired of writing that ? I do not l... 
Tech That Flopped!
How about this one ? ..." Who Cares "   
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
Stringreen  - geeeezzz I always thought that you were the self proclaimed expert here. Some people do have some good advice everything else in life, take the advice and then go see for yourself if it works for you in your system. Tha... 
Latest Absolute Sound
Huh ??  
Best Drum Solos
...we get it you obviously like if they only had a lead singer ! I left one of their shows because of that voice ..... I have always wondered if somebody actually told him that he could sing   
What does a bad tweeter sound like?
Geez Stringeen ......I thought you had '' golden ears '' as you have proclaimed here after working in recording studios and you couldn't tell know if those older Vandersteen's tweeter is gone ? Maybe it is time to use them as door stops ......   
Lesson Learned I too found out - the ROOM makes a huge difference in the sound of ANY equipment  
Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?
Yes......for instance ; David Michael Audio as I had called him  4 times, 4 times on a $20,000 retail pre-map I was very interested in and he didn't even have the common courtesy to even call me back. I went to Anthony Perrotta Consulting who I ha... 
Grateful Dead RFK STADIUM 1989 Release
Jond  - I agree. Make these part of Dave's Pick's and be done with it. This is just Rhino marketing BS........I saw two shows during this tour ( not this show ) and the main thing was , Jerry was clean again and his playing was good at best. This ... 
Dave's Picks 23
Hello...when is DP 23 being shipped ?   Thanks.