
Responses from garebear

Shunyata Altaira Grounding Station ........has anybody purchased this new product ?
...thats '' pipe line '' ......and not '' pile line '' ......I obviously can't type !     
Shunyata Altaira Grounding Station ........has anybody purchased this new product ?
....just a follow up on my thread as it has been 2 1/2 weeks now since I placed my order and no Altria as of this writing. My dealer who is a good one by the way, has no shipment date as of last night. I do find it odd that Shunyata has a new prod... 
Shunyata Altaira Grounding Station ........has anybody purchased this new product ?
.......Holydean and glad that you recognized that there is a difference between grounding for let's say ; electrical shock such as a lightning strike as opposed to component  grounding in which continuity continuity between components has been est... 
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
........hello all and larsman - I will dismiss the majority of that genre of music as I do try to listen to listen to it but get get past the typical lyrics and thumping noises. Hmmmm....Kanye West, Snoop Doog and LL Kool Jay to are classically tr... 
Shunyata Altaira Grounding Station ........has anybody purchased this new product ?
.......guess not. I just put my order in and will comment later. Stay well and safe.   
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
........wait just a minute here. Please tell me that some of you are not actually comparing great jazz musicians to Hip Pop Rappers ? Please tell me that you aren't even considering this. The jazz musicians that I am thinking about and listen to a... 
Rolling Stones - new Live Album -GRRR LIVE just. Released
Thanks Tom8999 for the follow and will look into those choices. You enjoy as well.   
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
....I personally do not recall '' Hip Pop '' being around in the late 60's or early 70's. Nope , there are things that are fuzzy from that time for me but do not remember hearing '' that '' music at that time. So, not sure where anyone got 50 year... 
Rolling Stones - new Live Album -GRRR LIVE just. Released
.......thanks Tom for the update on your system as I was not keeping up on it. I have been very busy and thank you for the update on the Rolling Stones. Enjoy.....   
Really expensive systems that sounded great?
I recall reading a book years ago in college about ; Taoism and the founder Lao Tzu once said ; " Those who don't know say, and those that do know don't say ''. I have kept that with me for many years and has helped me at critical times in my file... 
Laurel Canyon-Documentary
There were a lot of great musicians and music that came out of '' that area ". Thank you for the head's up and I will look for this one.    
Marten Parker Quintet and the Marten Parker Trio Diamond version...if you could choose ?
I am the OP of this thread and I ended up buying Verity Audio's new Arindal speakers.I did not go with the Marten Line large in part due to the total lack of interest from the US Importer ; Vanna LTD who never returned my phone calls inquiring on ... 
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
'' What is the purpose of this thread "".......who cares and then don't buy the cable from then. Move on to another company.      
Now that High Fidelity Cables is no longer, what cables are you upgrading to?
I saw the news and although a great guy this is the second time his cable company has gone under. If you recall he owned and operated Virtual Dynamics which was a pretty good cable until they got soo incredibly expensive and eventually lost market... 
Sad to hear the good people at Timbernation had a fire (and no insurance).
.......thanks WolfGarcia much appreciated and now I am only $40,000 short. So please help my cause and also continued thanks for all of your generous donations. I also need a dedicated room built for my system as well.