
Responses from fzxguy

Help with CD player
I have not heard the Planet 2000 but I'm always amazed how well my original Planet holds its own when compared against other (pricier) units I've tried. 
Power Strips
As with Jeffloistarca, or make your own power strip. (unless you are in the market for, or have the bucks for a audio grade unit). Avoid surge protectors, unless true audio grade. Buy some Electrical cable Sheilded if you wish, as many duplex boxe... 
Need help with analog system choices
Check out previous threads on this topic, and proceed carefully. 
TAS new look-the end is near?
Interesting. I picked one up on the newstand the other day and noticed the difference. But for me it was, "hmmm.... maybe I should consider this mag now." I always discarded their monthly 'free issue' promo's as I found HP's Holy-er than anybody e... 
Jazz fans: free copy of "What is Jazz?"
Very nice of you. 
Feeding Maggie
Maggie likes tubes, but maggie also likes power.....and good tube power tends to be expensive. I have driven my maggies (2.7's) with a Classe integrated (CAP-100 and loved it) or go with a 150 or 151, avoid the newer less gutsy Classe integrateds ... 
Ok, I haven't read all the threads here, but I want to ask why you want to get in to high end vinyl?A) If you already have a vinyl collection, proceed.B) If you have a curiosity about the vinyl "buzz" proceed with caution.C) If you are a audio hob... 
Are more expensive speakers better?
Instant gratification enters high end audio. Lots of the threads you mention are from people who don't care about the sound enough to go to a reputable dealer; listen, borrow the speakers, set them up in their room, listen to them, and make an ind... 
"Downsizing" to a maybe better CDP?
Rega planet 2000! I Spent last night comparing my origional planet to an ARC CD2, considered one of the better single box solutions. Sure the planet lost some ground, mostly with classical, but the old Rega was not embarassed. It is spotty (70%) w... 
Wheres the best place to find a Scott 299C?
There is a guy who does vintage equipment on ebay and current equipment on Audiogon as mesh50. 
Bryston vs Marsh
I don't know the Marsh, but I agree with what SdC said about the Bryston's ability to exert control and definition, yet it is very smooth, not tube like, but not rude in any way and with a great soundstage. My 4B-ST is paired with an ARC SP9-II: t... 
Monoblock disadvantage or...?
If after the above mentioned tests to make sure the problem is at the amplifier, the difference in hum probably results from on amp being a different "distance" from the ground (main). That is, the order that your components draw off the line can ... 
pre-amp and amp for 1K
With your budget your money would be beter spent on an high quality integrated piece such as a Classe CAP 100 or 150, This unit allows you to separate the amp/preamp sections for HT use. I'm not familiar with the Soliolquy but this particular piec... 
Magneplanar 1.5 -- What amp???
I have driven my maggies (2.7) very succesfully w/ Classe and currently ARC/Bryston Electronics.Classe CA-100 (one currently listed) or a Classe integrated. CAP-100 would be in the range.Bryston 60 watt integrated may be a little light (I'm not su... 
Krell amps with Magneplanar speakers
FYI... Jonathan Valin in TAS #124 recommended two Maggie (1.6) systems with Goldmund SR/M2 amps, that he claims Magnepan's Wendell Diller thought was the best set up he'd heard.The tube comments are valid. I use ARC tubes in my Pre, Bryston SS for...