

Responses from fuzztone

Is there such a thing as too much power?
Especially tweeters and trashy girfrends. 
High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?
I'd try a Puffin. It'll max out any cartridge.The SPDIF model will go right in the Mytek at full gain. 
Roon endpoint or Dac with Room correction
I have the Studio, dpon't need any more cheap DACs.  Love it. Haven't even gotten to the DSP part yet, though I bought my first laptop to do it. I just go balanced out to my DAC. It' has better SQ than my BluNode digital out.   It'll power a large... 
Try headphones to take the speakers and room out if equation. 
How good are $2 DACs?
Good enough to play your TV over a $10 portable speaker if it doesn't have a headphone jack. 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
Stellar Gain Cell (preamp) & S300 amp.Then I got the newest P3 Power Plant when it came out. Plenty of juice for both. I wasn't impressed by the internal DAC so I traded in a bunch of unsellable junk and got the DirectStream on Black Friday sa... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Scott emailed me back respecting that the company forum showed Morrow bettering AQ. At least it does for me. 
Are you a special snowflake?
Child Damage Mitigation
Raised 2 now 2 grand kids no problems with floor standers, never been touched.Was more worried about montors on stands.Kids take direction remarkably well. 
AFFORDABLE (under $1K) Best SS and Tube Amps for HD600
The Quickie hasn't been $899 since I've been looking. $998 and then I'll want better cans.I think I've found a better way. 
Happy HOLIDAZE to all.Indeed. 
Network Transport vs. CD Transport
Put the files on a SSD, plug it into the streamer, turn off the computer and compare to the CD.Get back to us. 
Aragon 2004
The price is right to audition or flip.Other than that no experience.Except for hearing BB King & Chuck Berry on a double bill there. 
Chicago-area dealer recommendation
Mick @ Quintessence and Ken @ Pro Musica have been at it the longest after AC folded up. 
Looking for best streamer without DAC under $3500
+1 rbstehnoMagna Mano Ultra i2s into DirectStream DAC.You can run any music service you want.If you just want to add Spotify a Blu N100 toslink out for $300 is plenty. Just ignore the WiFi and built in DAC - both shitty.