Responses from fuzztone
Is there such a thing as too much power? Especially tweeters and trashy girfrends. | |
High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3? I'd try a Puffin. It'll max out any cartridge.The SPDIF model will go right in the Mytek at full gain. | |
Roon endpoint or Dac with Room correction I have the Studio, dpon't need any more cheap DACs. Love it. Haven't even gotten to the DSP part yet, though I bought my first laptop to do it. I just go balanced out to my DAC. It' has better SQ than my BluNode digital out. It'll power a large... | |
Brightness Try headphones to take the speakers and room out if equation. | |
How good are $2 DACs? Good enough to play your TV over a $10 portable speaker if it doesn't have a headphone jack. | |
Who buy PS AUDIO ? Stellar Gain Cell (preamp) & S300 amp.Then I got the newest P3 Power Plant when it came out. Plenty of juice for both. I wasn't impressed by the internal DAC so I traded in a bunch of unsellable junk and got the DirectStream on Black Friday sa... | |
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough? Scott emailed me back respecting that the company forum showed Morrow bettering AQ. At least it does for me. | |
Are you a special snowflake? No | |
Child Damage Mitigation Raised 2 now 2 grand kids no problems with floor standers, never been touched.Was more worried about montors on stands.Kids take direction remarkably well. | |
AFFORDABLE (under $1K) Best SS and Tube Amps for HD600 The Quickie hasn't been $899 since I've been looking. $998 and then I'll want better cans.I think I've found a better way. | |
AND A Happy HOLIDAZE to all.Indeed. | |
Network Transport vs. CD Transport Put the files on a SSD, plug it into the streamer, turn off the computer and compare to the CD.Get back to us. | |
Aragon 2004 The price is right to audition or flip.Other than that no experience.Except for hearing BB King & Chuck Berry on a double bill there. | |
Chicago-area dealer recommendation Mick @ Quintessence and Ken @ Pro Musica have been at it the longest after AC folded up. | |
Looking for best streamer without DAC under $3500 +1 rbstehnoMagna Mano Ultra i2s into DirectStream DAC.You can run any music service you want.If you just want to add Spotify a Blu N100 toslink out for $300 is plenty. Just ignore the WiFi and built in DAC - both shitty. |