

Responses from fuzztone

Is there a DDC or ? that has I2s and USB inputs and Coax output?
All DDCs that I’m aware of convert USB to SPDIF and usually i2s. None degrade i2s to SPDIF. Buy compatible components.  
Bending Sound
What makes you think that you need a superfluous cover,? https://rel.net/how-to-set-the-crossover-on-your-subwoofer/    
Recommendations on integrated amps
I've got 2 of these. Bulletproof and no remote to lose. One runs 3 sets of speakers no problem. You are unlikely to notice any increase in fidelity in  a workshop. https://www.ebay.com/itm/155930476761    
New player to choose
The holy grail: Non network play of stacked folders (like albums) via remote control. Let us know when you invent one.  
Modern Speaker switch for use with banana plugs
I use a Solupeak P2 with 100 watt amps.  
Looking for decent DAC with volume control
What kind of control, hardware or. software? On board only or remote control? Specific answers demand specifics. If none given it does not appear a real query.        
The Sound Quality Of Commercially Pre-Recorded Reel-To-Reel Albums
Inferior. Pre records were manufactured at high speeds. I sold mine. They sell for big bucks - not worth it.      
Why do I prefer R2R over Chip based DAC's?
R2R has nothing to do with your OP.  
Review : Emerson ER-7001 Am/Fm radio. Return of the radio king!
There is nothing on radio I would listen to.  
Add Chord Cutest (DAC) to Bluesound Node or purchase HiFi Rose RS150BDAC
I doubt if you can hear a difference. At least double blind. I’m sure that you will like one OS better than the other.    
Pre-amp vs gain control box help please
Why not just control the volume with the streamer app remotely? Sounds suspect to me. Do not insert unnecessary "cheap" hardware and expect to maintain hifi SQ.  
Favorite tracks (jazz pop soul) you use to test bass response and subwoofer integration
Hot Fun In The Summertime - Beach Boys  
Music Disappearing (Roon/Tidal/Qobuz)
I'm more concerned with IP radio stations disappearing.  Within weeks or months of finding one I like, it disappears. Commercial free might be going the way of Hulu.  
can subwoofers make things worse?
I own the SVS Micro. That is your best bet. Of course anything can make your sound worse if you don't know what you're doing  But the SVS has a good Bluetooth app that lets you dial it in at your listening position    
Anyone listen to Music on a FM tuner anymore?
Not in the 21st century with the exemption of broadcasting USB to FM before some cars supported direct play. I find much more attractive, commercial free "radio" on the web.