
Responses from frl

Recommendation for an HDMI cable under $200 for audio only
I've been pleased with affordable HDMI cables from WireWorld, while I've had problems with AQ Cinnamon.  
Top 10 Live Albums
Ween - Live in Chicago  Rebelution - Live at Red Rocks  Blaze Foley - Live at the Austin Outhouse  Waylon Jennings - Waylon Live  Van Morrison - Astral Weeks live  Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal  Tom Petty - Live at the Fillmore  Paul Simon ... 
Reliability - what’s your experience been?
My first quality component,.a Creek integrated, promptly went down entirely due to a faulty headphone output. Repair handled smoothly under warranty with a domestic shop. Very pleased with that service and the unit has been rock solid ever since. ... 
Help me find my ideal Stereo Integrated Amp
Why does it have to do everything? With your budget, you can afford some flexibility.  
Gustard R26 vs hi end streamer
I prefer my CCA via optical to the sound of the R26 internal steamer for Roon.  I do love the R26 sound (have 2 of em), and I utilize the i2s input in my desktop system via ddc with good results.  
Budget integrated amp?
I can recommend the Rotel A11mk2, available at Crutchfield. If he doesn't need the digital section, the A10 is even more affordable. Pleasing sound at all volumes in my setup and remote is adequate.  
Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it
I have no significant technical complaints after four years of heavy use. My core is a Roon Nucleus. I have to reboot my core maybe twice a year. Loading up new zones is slower for me now when I open the app, which is a slight annoyance, but I do ... 
Sub $2,000 Integrated Amp Recommendations
Chris, this describes my experience with the new A1 as well. It just makes me want to keep listening. It was a huge step up for me from Audiolab 6000a in terms of sound quality. I just wish the gain wasn't so high on the A1, even in "direct" mode.... 
For Gustard R26...which bang for the buck: DDC or LHY OCK clock?
Does an external clock have any benefit if I'm not running multiple clocked digital components in the chain that need syncing? I know the easy answer is to try it and see, but ordering a $750 Chinese component to try is risky imo. I have two r26 ... 
Seeking Budget CD Player Suggestions
Another vote for Rotel cd11. I was really surprised how good it sounded using the internal DAC.   
Amp — Leave on or turn off
This is the language in the manual for my Creek amp: "It is appreciated by Hi-Fi enthusiasts that leaving equipment powered up continuously can Improve the performance. However, this small improvement in sound quality comes at the Expense of cont... 
New Falcon ls3/5a Silvers in the house
I have the silver badge near field in my office, and they are amazing in that application. I run a small sub with the mains high passed at 80hz. I've upgraded DAC and pre with good results but I haven't felt the need to switch out my amp (Creek Ev... 
Sharing a subwoofer between a Stereo and HT combination.
My 3.1 mixed setup has been rock solid for the past three years. - Denon 4700x running in pre-amp mode - 3 channel power amp (ATI 523NC) - Parasound P6 for front channels on the bypass input. Sub out from Denon to the Sub Bypass input. Sub Bypa... 
Best Audiophile desktop for under $2500?
I can't speak to PC options but you may want to consider a DDC to clean up the output before passing to your DAC. I use a MacMini with Roon and I previously got similar SQ with optical and USB outs, but optical was more reliable. I've since added ... 
Gustard r26 can be had new within your budget. Adding the r26 did great things to my system with KEF R5 speakers. It might not have much brand cache or visual appeal, but the sound is so pleasing to my ears - just a great balance of warmth and det...