
Responses from freakygreek

Should I or not
Thanks everyone for the responses and sorry I couldn't respond any eariler. In my current set up sitting in a near field position wouldn't that be to close for t.v watching. I was also under the impression that for nearfield listening I would need... 
Power cord upgrade on your Jolida JD-100?
I haven't tried tube rolling extensively as I stuck with the RCA 3 mica black plates 5751. As for PC I ended up with a TG Audio SLVR with great results. Cheers 
Ayre CX7
Many thanks I'll call them today. Cheers 
Ayre CX7
Thanks for info does Charles have an email. Cheers 
PMC Owners your opinions
As I said I would rather buy my speakers first. At first they would out class my present electronics greatly but would shine even more as I add better Amplification and Sources. I plan to buy as much as possible used gear from here at the Gon and... 
Blu-Ray and HD DVD
Lets not forget about Holographic recording which can hold up to 1000gigs. I smell yet another format change. Cheers 
PMC Owners your opinions
Howie, First thanks for responding to my question. In all honesty the IB1's/IB2's would be to much speaker for my present location where the OB1's would fit in nicely. I know if I purchase the OB1's I would likely need to upgrade again as my spac... 
PMC Owners your opinions
Thanks guys for the feedback. You are very right about personal tastes and preferences. What works for you might not turn my crank. A poster on AudioCircle suggested the ML 390s did nothing for them but that a DAC64 worked well. I intend to audit... 
PMC Owners your opinions
I'm still looking into the speakers themselves with the OB1's and IB1's on my short list. I might be able to stretch for a used pair of IB2's. I was ready to jump on the pair of IB1's that came up but thought better of it. I'm currently running a... 
Thanks guys for the info. I'll look into all of the suggestions. Cheers 
Receiver for pre/pro?
I have a NadT762 and have added a Bryston 4BSST most noticable on 2 Channel music with better bass and dynamics. Cheers 
Jazz Boxsets
Thanks guys for the feedback. If it must come down to my favorite then the Trumpet it has to be with the Sax following close at second. Guitar is third with the organ and piano fourth. Looking at my collection it's a toss up between Hard Bop and... 
Jazz Boxsets
Thanks for the feedback. The Mosaic website is great one more place to spend money. Next week I'll be picking up the columbia sets of Miles Davis. Cheers 
Other than Nemo and the like...
Mikec, Like you I collect movies for the simple reason that I love movies. I have so far managed to collect well over 500 movies from cheaply dubbed martial arts films to major releases. I regularly have guests over for a movie night where we si... 
Other than Nemo and the like...
Mikec, The dvd's we are mentioning are good for showing caseing are systems not for setup's. What do you put in to play when you have guests over. Cheers