

Responses from fourwnds

In a lot of these threads people say without the room being treated
Fwiw, I went to to an audio show last year and the best sound my friend and I both heard was in a room that had room treatments. (Von-schweikert) 
question about ss or tubes
Atmasphere, the solid state phono pre never got shut off for the two weeks I had it. I had an ss amp once that took forever to break in, probably in the hundreds of hours. I've often wondered if the same can be expected from ss preamps. Thanks for... 
question about ss or tubes
Thanks that's good to know. I briefly tried one (2 weeks) that was very good but there was something about it that I did not like but my system was much different then. Also I don't know if two weeks was enough time to properly let it settle in. I... 
Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs
Post Toastee - Tommy Bolin 
Dick's / Dave's picks
TostadosUnidos, try archive.org to get started. I think it's Stream only now but you might be able get zero’d in on the particular show and then source it from there. Hope that helps. 
I notice a lot of reviewers buy the sample piece
What a scam. I feel pretty naive as I have always considered the reviewers decision to buy a reviewed piece like someone said above as the ultimate endorsement. I see now the reviewer has no real skin in the game and any authentic endorsement impl... 
Recording Quality and Different Studios
SpeakersCorner, GrooveNote are a couple other companies I have gotten excellent records from. The whole recording chain though is as important. Pretty much anything Daniel Lanois as a producer(or musician(BlackDub)touched floated my boat, for exam... 
Your favorite BEACH BOYS LP besides PET SOUNDS
The Beach Boys Christmas record is pretty dang cool. I was looking for something to put on over the holidays, forgot I picked it up from a long ago thrift store binge. Surprised me it did, but then again I didn't have high expectations either.  
Harvey Pekar talks collecting
i can stop anytime if i want to, so its cool.i know that look of which you speak.  honestly, bigger boxes get sent to a neighbor.  
Nottingham resonance control
Inna, the feet were easily pryed away with a little flat head, it appears to be just a basic adhesive on there. The feet are still plenty sticky if I want to put em back. 
Nottingham resonance control
Inna, on a follow up note, I removed the little rubber feet from motor and table and replaced them with extra thick Herbies Grungebusters. I have only listened to a couple records so far but I can say with no hesitation they have cleaned up the so... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
bags meets wessturgill simpson 
Your favorite recent discovery
@Sbank. Thanks for the heads up on that Rice/Grisman record, will definitely try and track it down. 
Nottingham resonance control
ive been wondering the same thing. just getting the base changed out on my nott to a maple platform was huge!. ive been thinking of trying Herbies gliders and then some Grungebusters under platform. looks like he may have appropriate thread size b... 
Where does your user name come from?
It was the name of the manufacturer of the motorhome I lived in. Lean times but I was footloose and went whichever way felt right with little real stress.