
Responses from fotis_k

What 'entrance' music?
This post was meant purely for fun. My train of logic is that if a man's home is his castle, then surely I am it's king? 'Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks' has such a royal flair to it. (I am convinced that if the Queen of England has an ala... 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
I don't know about the best, as this is a complicated question, but one name that comes to mind rather quickly is George Michael. Check out his cd "songs from the last century." 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
Did'nt Marilyn Monroe put her panties in the freezer? Is she in fact responsible for this trend? 
Problems with shipping to Canada
Keep in mind:1) A 'certificate of origin' must be provided to take advantage of NAFTA rules (this can be provided from the equipment manufacturer, usually they'll send you one over e-mail, you can then print it- quickest and easiest method)2)This ... 
Problems with shipping to Canada
I've been sent alot of packages from the U.S. (I am Canadian) and have ALWAYS paid for the shipping along with the agreed upon price, without exception. I always clarify that I will pay for shiping immediately upon initial contact with the seller ... 
What's your dirty little secret?
Ah, memory lane... sometimes I'll time warp back to high school and listen to some Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, you get the point, the 70's-80's metal. It winds up being a session, really.Not a dirty little secret, but a fun one none ... 
Django Reinhardt.
Thanks, everyone. I kinda knew there would not be any great recordings, given the era, so I guess I meant the better ones. How I became interested, was, while listening to CBC Radio 2 a while back, the host was interviewing an author who had just ... 
Problems with Optrix Spray
I wonder if there has been any settling/separation of the ingredients? perhaps due to temperature or simply by not shaking or stirring prior to use? What I'm getting at is, is it possible you have unknowingly applied too much of one ingredient or ... 
Simaudio P-5 LE improvements over old P-5
I believe the magazine UHF did a review on P-5 LE? 
Am I missing something?
You know, first thing to come to mind was magic chips and jars of rocks. If it truly is THIS easy to make money.....who knows? maybe I'll market audiophile beer- you know, 8 of these and you'll swear a whole system upgrade.You'll never want to go ... 
Your favorite recent discovery
1) Quartetto Gelato, Rustic Chivalry. Very talented quartet.2) Alan Hovhaness, Celestial Fantasy. Love the Armenian Rhapsody, so emotional. 
classical sampler?
You might want to consider something like EMI's "The Best Classical Album in the World....Ever". While it is NOT the best classical album ever, it is quite a decent introduction, a dual cd compilation of many different composers, styles, etc...thi... 
Do You Remember Your First CD Player?
paid $100 (1987-88?) for a cdp that had big blue and red control buttons on it, looked like a toy, really (was it a sanyo?). first cd i bought to play was led zep's in through the out door. almost made my ears bleed and i did not buy another cd fo... 
glam rock fans?
Did you know 'The New York Dolls' are currently on tour? 
What concerts have your kids dragged you to?
Not my kids, but rather a girlfriend back in mid 80'S? It was MC Hammer. We soon after broke up.