
Responses from fonoman

Best Vintage Dac??
genez and infection: sure, modern DACs have impressive numbers on paper. However, the best SOUNDING dacs are all vintage. Here they are:Forsell Air Reference, Melos MAX-1, Meitner Bidat, EAD DSP-9000, dcs Elgar plus, Levinson 30.6, Theta Gen.VIII,... 
What is the best Reel To Reel machine ever built?
Nagra T-Audio 
Review: Technics EPA 100 Tonearm
Just to add a thought on headshell compatibility: No, the EPA-100 is not entirely compatible with any standard headhsell. When using a non-technics headshell with the EPA-100, cartridges with styli further back under their body will not align. The... 
Best preamp for EAD DSP 9000 Pro DAC
The best preamp to go with the dsp-9000 is the preamp inside the dsp-9000. What you've experienced is not a synergy mismatch, but the superiority of the dsp-9000 compared to the arc preamp. I strongly disagree with "the newer the better when it co... 
Amp to go with Emm dcc2 se and wilson sophias
Used Audio Research or VTL