

Responses from folkfreak

Sorry to ask this SACD question, but
Unfortunately unless your disc player manufacturer provides a proprietary format you cannot output DSD data to an external DAC. dCS use dual AES for example, and others have their own formats. 
Alert, Warning, and Caution about Modified Components
@millercarbon yep, you got it -- the counter party in question btw is our good friend and equally locqacious European Mr Bo. There is a long history between these two but it seems to have nothing to do with the actual performance of the component ... 
Help with RAL USB cable
The issue with this cable is probably that the USB plug case (ie the material around the USB connector) is bigger than the USB standard and will not fit deeply enough into a case cut out that is USB spec. I had exactly the same issues with RAL fir... 
Sussurro MkII and surface noise?
@tonyptony  I can’t remember the final number re VTA but I was clearly getting results that trended better (that’s until I ran out of room to lower my tonearm further, purely a function of some challenges I have in setup on my table, another 1mm w... 
Best 80s New Wave
Yep, got that one (haven’t listened to it in an age though so you reminded me to dig it out) -- plus all the New Order singles, a full run of Stone Roses and Ride, every 12" Madonna ever put out (through 2005 or so) etc -- guess you can tell how o... 
Best 80s New Wave
Actually the preferred vehicle for these artists is actually the 12" single!The impact and sound quality of "Duel" in a clean 12" is visceralhttps://www.discogs.com/Propaganda-Duel/release/29009And this is a demo disc of the first orderhttps://www... 
Sussurro MkII and surface noise?
@tonyptony I would concur. My experience with AnalogMagik is that it’s great for really fine tuning a setup that’s already good, but the sheer pita nature of going back and forth make it a tricky approach to getting to an initial setup.Sounds like... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Tammy -- I read the original post by @maragoo and felt that it was a well written description of a legitimate complaint. While whomever asked for it to be removed may have their reasons it does not serve AudioGon, nor High Fidelity well to appear ... 
TA-102 fo.Q Product from Japan "TRY These"
@paulcreed our cynic’s system is here. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/7821You can can draw your own conclusions ... 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
By the way -- it's Jonathan Valin .. not "Vallin", not "Vallen"You know, politeness, attention to detail ... 
Best way to spike a large tower ( 100 lbs +)
The well heeled audiophile will of course invest in thishttp://parts.wilsonaudio.com/wilson-audio-flat-jack/But I’ve never found any problem with the tilt on each corner approach, unless you have very spindly spikes there shouldn’t be any issuesi ... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
Yes -- Mike makes the SR type ground cables to special order but the quality is good and the pricing fair (about half of what SR ask for their HDs) 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
As well as the power cord there's also an "Active EM Cell" in the SE model -- I've never done a head to head comparison so have no perspective as to the incremental benefits of the added cost.My recommendation would be to get a start on grounding ... 
The JC Whitney syndrome
But you still haven’t addressed the concerns some of us have with the “reality of diminishing returns” - which to many of us is the opposite of what we experience every day, and what makes this such a fun hobby in that there’s always so much more ... 
Recommended repair/service in Portland, Oregon?
I would have said Echo Audio, but as of yesterday they shut down their service department while they prepare to move location and won’t be taking on any new work until mid June at the earliest ... how urgent is your need?