
Responses from fly_fish_nz

Music Hall CD-25.5 vs CD-25 w/mods??
You may also want to take a look at 6moons where they compared two levels of mods on the CD25 to the stock unit. This will give you an idea on how much to expect from mods and a basis of comparison for what you learn from Sugarbrie's suggestion. 
Musical Concepts Modifications
"Just another endorsement. His cables aren't bad either."Great interconnects for the money. I remember the first time I used a pair that John sent me: all of a sudden, on a CD that I had listened to many times before in a headphone system, I could... 
Upgrading from Adcom GFA 5802
Y9,If you live near Madison, WI, I have a 5802 with John Hillig's platinum mods. Might be fun to compare to your stock 5802 if you're in the neighborhood. 
B&K upgrade?
I would consider borrowing a few other amps to demo with your speakers. I used a BK 202 to drive Maggie IIIa's for several years and had no idea what I was missing until I tried some amps with more juice. The first I tried was an adcom 5802, desig... 
Using a CDP to copy a cd to computer
I'm no authority, but I'm not sure that you will get a higher quality copy and think there may be reason to believe that you will get a lower quality burn. Some of the better quality programs that rip cd's from your internal computer drive to your... 
Best piano version of Moonlight Sonata?
John Atkinson helped record and master Robert Silverman playing all 32 of Beethoven's Sonatas, available from Orpheum Masters. I purchased mine on the Stereophile website for about $70 a few years back for the 10 disk set, a great value. If you li... 
Comfortable by good sounding headphones?
The 600's, and I assume the 650's, are very comfortable. I purchased a pair earlier this year and was surprised to find that I can listen to mine for 3-5 hours at a time with no ergonomic issues whatever, even while wearing glasses and working. I ... 
Get rid of the Dunlavys?
A.I auditioned the sm1's versus the 805's (not the signatures) extensively with the same equipment, and purchased the sm1's. If you have a chance you might want to listen to them with the same equipment and in the same room to draw your conclusion... 
Pass Labs Aleph Amps and Tube Preamps
I used a Blue Circle BC21. Very nice but I preferred a Placette Remote Volume Control. 
HELP: Bel Canto DAC and my cables aren't working..
I have a Bel Canto Dac and occasionally have a similar issue when switching cables or powering everything down. Try waiting for a few minutes for the BC to lock onto the signal. If no go, then try powering down the trans and unplugging the BC and ... 
The right choice for pre amp / volume control.
Might consider the Blue Circle BC21 hybrid...runs about $800 used I think. I had one at the same time as a Placette, and the differences I noticed between the two might be just what you are looking for. Its a great piece that received great review... 
Best Speakers Close to Walls
S,Just a side note: I purchased a Tact Room Correction system recently, and since the software corrects for errors in time and frequency domains, TACT actually suggests placing all speakers close to walls to ease reproduction of bass. I have tried... 
Less is more? Premium passive linestage... HELP
J.I used, liked, and can recommend the Placette RVC as well, but am currently using a configuration you might want to consider: putting a TACT 2.0 (room correction system) in line and using it for room correction, volume control, and source switch... 
Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8
Thanks to everyone that chimed in with comments and counsel...much appreicated. At the risk of ruffling any more feathers, any observations on these speakers vis-a-vis Piega's offerings, say the P5 or P8? 
Passive Preamp - What makes it work?
Theresa,I just copied the Q&A section from Placette Audio's website in an ad I posted for a passive ( It addresses your question and you may find it interesting. I think the Q&A section was listed on the bottom of the li...