

Discussions flg2001 has started

Optimal loading for Dynavector xx21671316
Best 3 options for SET amps748613
Are Accuphase preamps "dull" sounding ?1314813
Help needed fro Accuphase owners41379
750 US MC cartridge options44879
Burn-in time for 6550c tubes ?51375
Hum thru an HP100 Hovland38924
Avid Diva sonic signature - is it a "bright" table49515
Is the MicrSeiki 1000 table still competitive ?25913
CJ Premier 10 - still competitive?1545413
Is the BIX table extint?567314
Re-biasing a CJ Premier 8646718
CJ premier 8 - please share your comments1350637
No. 26 - MM or MC board?1024337
Comments / Observation on Dynavector 505 tonearm?111998